Top 5 Global E-commerce Shopping Cart Trends

e-commerce shopping cart

Last Updated on August 18, 2024 by Team Experts

E-commerce shopping cart: Online shopping is the popular destination to search for the products online and grab such products at their fingertips.

Global volume of the individuals purchasing the products online has kept on expanding and there seems no end to it as millenials are highly influenced and engaged with online shopping.

With the rapid speed and popularity enjoyed by the online E-commerce shopping cart websites it  becomes much crucial for all the online retailers across the globe irrespective of their size and even scopes up with the latest trends.

The E-commerce industry is getting competitive day by day and the top trends which are being adopted by the big giants in the industry are as follows:

Better Delivery and Distribution

When we talk about shipping and delivery, the deliveries are expected to get on time and everyone gets frustrated when they need to wait for the arrival of the goods once they have already made the payment.

For the retailers to remain relevant and resilient they need to try their level best to work according to the demands to fasten the delivery and even do it without eating into the margins.

It does not stop along with the deliveries, the expectations around the returns along with the complete support of the customers are set for a shakeup too.

When it comes to carriers and all the options of delivery, customers want to make such choices and it is becoming more crucial for the online stores to provide the customers the multiple options so that they can choose from  it.

Earlier same day deliveries appeared as a differentiator now it has become an expectation and all the online shoppers want fast, free and convenient delivery options.

Some of the most iconic brands are making their ways of getting their products to the customers with the use of envelopes.

Exit Offers

While the exit offers are nothing new in the market they are still a moment of surprise and thrill for many of the E-commerce websites without framing any strategies.

With numerous tools available in the market to integrate the exit offers the last-ditch sales strategy gets set to take off but for it they need to get effective when it needs to get done in a well manner.

It all starts with the script and then exit offers need to get timed in an accurate manner. Which might sound like common sense and most of the sites take this in a wrong manner.

While making an installation of a plug-in, we need to ensure the script which is set to get kicked when the user keeps on moving the mouse at the top of the page.

Once the things are sorted, ensuring the strategy becomes an important task which needs to get done along with the name of the brand.

Seamless Save Cart Functionality

As more and more retailers clutch the omnichannel strategies it keeps on becoming more crucial to remove all the friction right from the add to cart process and streamlining the way shoppers can save the items in the cart for later.

The recent research done by Google showed up that the website traffic is getting more mobile along with the customers using their smartphones to search for more products and make the purchase at the later stage.

Lots of E-commerce fashion helps in labeling excels in the save cart functionality as the feature which works extra ordinarily well for the online stores with suspicious amount of choice.

According to the survey which was recently conducted by eConsultancy reveals that around 25% of the shoppers keep on abandoning the purchases because they are forced to create an account.

To help the shoppers get converted into customers , E-commerce shopping cart platforms need to find the perfect way to allow the consumers to continue their research on the smartphones and even continue to check out on all the other devices seamlessly.


According to all the experts of this industry, there are many E-commerce websites which can learn from game designs specially if we talk about animation.

We are already starting to look at it and how it shapes through the basic UX elements levitating the image of the particular product and how it will appear once the individual user makes the use of it.

Back in the days of the flash designs, website animations became distracting. It is making the more speedy moves in the year 2018 and it is completely a different game which keeps on getting updated with new rules in the game.

The animations which are used intentionally can assist in matching the pace and bridge the gaps and can be the signal for expressing the personality and even urgency.

Allbirds is the new sneaker start-up that has expertise in the levels of animations. Such attractive things shall be put to use so that it keeps on attracting new customers and entertains the existing customers.

Animations can get much effective and it does not require to have the large scale and overpowering it can get set up with the simple transitions or animated iconography to guide the users to all the actions.

It helps the E-commerce experience feel more alive and keeps on engaging the customers.

Voice Search

Approximately around 20% of the Google searches on the smartphones are created using voice search and over last few years, voice-activated devices such as Amazon echo or Google Home and it is set to take off. There are lots of hits and miss when we talk about voice search so before making an investment in optimizing, ensure the time taken for the tasks understands the person so that it can be the mirror for the language.

The last Sentence

E-commerce shopping cart: As the supercomputers are available in the pockets of the individuals, they keep on expecting the skyrocketing results from the E-commerce websites and apps they want each and every features as well as their functionality which are limitless.

The challenges of the E-commerce sites and the digital marketing managers keeps on finding the accurate strategies for the growth.

With E-commerce set to explode, the competition keeps on increasing at a neutral speed and even the online and offline store owners need to include more creativity and keep on engaging the way to up the stake.

Also read: 5 Of The Best E-Wallets In India

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