Category Technology

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App Testing Over The Internet

Cross-browser testing is all about the establishment and development of a consistent user experience across different platforms as well as devices. Cross-browser testing is a non-functional form of testing that enables to access the basic features of a website the…

How did Airbnb get to where it is today?

Airbnb is a website that matches travelers with people who have rooms available to rent. This service has been around since 2008 and was originally called Airbed & Breakfast until 2009 when the company name changed to Airbnb. Airbnb is…

Animation Creation Process

What picture appears before your eyes when you hear “animation”? Most likely, shots from good old Soviet cartoons. And what is “animation” associated with other than entertainment on a beach vacation? Most of us will remember a cartoon drawn using…

Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Our Lives

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is pushing the frontiers of technology further and has increasingly sparked a debate on its potential use cases, challenges, and potential negatives. Nevertheless, the world is increasingly getting convinced of the enormous potential of AI, be it…

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