Types of IDO Launchpads and Their Unique Features

types of IDO Launchpads

Last Updated on July 31, 2024 by Team Experts

IDO launchpads are blockchain projects that are designed to help new project developers host their token launches and connect with the crypto community safely and securely. These platforms help a new project to connect with a community of investors looking to invest in new projects in exchange for stakes in the project. An IDO launchpad streamlines token allocation by performing due diligence and ensuring safe practices, acting as the foundation for new project launches. 

Today, we will take a look at different types of IDO launchpads, explore some features of IDO launchpads to understand their advantages, and the top IDO launchpad and its features in this article. 

What is an IDO Launchpad?

IDO launchpads have become increasingly popular over the last few years because of the development in blockchain technology and DeFi, which has prompted developers to launch new projects with unique use cases. While unique use cases are crucial for a project’s success, launching it appropriately for the project to gain maximum possible exposure is also important. This is where an IDO launchpad comes in by connecting project developers with a network of enthusiasts, community members, and investors looking to invest and participate in potentially-rich projects. In a sense, an IDO launchpad is a decentralized version of the traditional Initial Public Offering. 

While there are various ways to launch a crypto project or token, such as ICO, IEO, etc., IDO is the most popular approach as it allows the project to directly access the large user base of an already established launchpad. This large user base of the IDO platform is built over time and all the investors are vetted properly to ensure the security and safety of everyone. Additionally, all the projects launched on an IDO are thoroughly audited and vetted to ensure they are rug-pull and scam safe, to secure investors’s investments. This approach of IDO platforms ensures fairness and security for all parties involved. 

The popularity of IDO platforms can be understood by the number of IDOs held in 2023 individually by top IDO platforms. Leading the ranks, DAO Maker is the top IDO launchpad with over 144 IDOs held in 2023 alone. 

Source from cryptorank.io

These numbers will continue to rise with technological advancements and will require IDO platforms to become more vigilant with their operations. Let’s take a look at different types of IDO launchpads.

Different Types Of IDO Launchpads

There are various types of IDO launchpads that are differentiated based on their use, the types of projects they launch, and their operations. For instance, some IDO launchpads are run by a single organization, taking a centralized approach, whereas there are others, which let the community be the governing factor, ensuring true decentralization. Different types of IDO launchpads can confuse a new investor or project developer as it raises several questions like What are the advantages of a centralized IDO launchpad or Which type of the launchpad is better?

In simpler terms, while centralized launchpads are easier to use and give the developers more control over their project launch, they are also prone to censorship. However, decentralized IDO launchpads utilize the power of the community using a governance mechanism to ensure complete decentralization. While the types of launchpads and their operations can vary, the majority of the launchpads offer the same set of advantages. Let’s take a closer look at the few advantages of the IDO platform. 

  1. Access to the Community: Launchpad helps startups by offering them easy access to an active user base instead of having to build a new community from scratch. 
  2. Easy Listing: Getting tokens listed on exchanges can be complicated. However, an IDO launchpad can handle all logistics using its partnerships.
  3. Investors Vetting: Launchpads have their own vetting process, KYC, and anti-fraud checks to ensure that only reliable investors will invest in a project.
  4. Project Vetting: All the projects listed on an IDO launchpad are vetted ensuring that investors do not have to do due diligence individually for all projects.
  5. Fair Token Allocation: IDO Launchpad utilizes different token allocation models to ensure transparency and fairness giving all investors a fair opportunity to invest in a project.
  6. Multi-chain Support: Most IDO launchpads offer mult-chain support for easy token generation and investment. 
  7. Easy Participation: Investors can easily know about new project launches ensuring easy participation without having to miss out on potential-rich projects. 

Now that we know more about the advantages and features of an IDO launchpad, let’s take a look at some of the popular IDO launchpads in the market. 

Top 5 IDO Launchpads and Features

These are the top 5 IDO launchpads depending on several factors such as community engagement, track record, and innovative features.

  1. Polkastarter

Polkastarter is a top IDO launchpad launched in 2020 that focuses on Ethereum and Polkadot-based projects. The launchpad facilitates the launch of promising new crypto projects using a strong community of investors for fair and transparent token sales. 

Features and Benefits: 

  • Impressive track record of hosting several blockchain projects which reached unicorn status with over $1B valuation.
  • POLS token enables a governance mechanism for enhanced decentralization and trust between the community members and the platform. 
  • Utilizes a fair token allocation model that uses lottery models and tiered allocation to ensure fair and decentralized token allocation.
  1. AdLunam

AdLunam is a next-gen pioneer Web3 IDO launchpad that offers early access to promising new Web3 projects. The launchpad offers advisory services, and strong relationships with key investors, and ensures fair token allocation using an innovative Proof-of-attention allocation model.

Features and Benefits: 

  • Adlunam utilizes a PoA token allocation model where community members and investors use their scores, built by directly engaging and participating in tasks such as social media engagement, media creation, etc.
  • Investors are assigned dynamic NFT profiles which qualifies them for exclusive airdrops, token allocation, and community records. 
  • A team of experts helps the project prepare for a successful launch by offering marketing, technical, and tokenomics mentorship.
  1. TrustPad

TrustPad is another popular IDO launchpad that specializes in vetting IDO projects by conducting rigorous checks and emphasizes long-term potential over hype. The launchpad is known for the launch of legitimate and high-quality crypto projects.

Features and Benefits: 

  • TrustPad conducts rigorous audits, KYC, and background checks and only 3% of the total applicants are approved.
  • TAPD token holders can participate in the governance mechanism of the IDO launchpad.
  • TrustPad follows a tiered allocation system where long-term, high-value community members are rewarded regardless of their institutional scale. 
  1. BSCPad

BSCPad is a specialized IDO platform built for projects developed on Binance Smart Chain. The project helps BSC-based projects seek capital using liquidity bootstrapping.

Features and Benefits: 

  • BSCPad is a dedicated launchpad focused on projects built on Binance Smart Chain.
  • The launchpad helped launch IDOs for various top projects such as ApeSwap.
  • BSCPad has a large user base with over 200,000 BSCpad token holders, which new project developers can directly engage with.
  1. Cardstarter

Cardstarter is a popular launchpad dedicated to the Cardano ecosystem and connects innovative projects with liquidity and capital resources.

  • The launchpad utilizes the native ADA tokens to facilitate fundraising and community participation.
  • Follows a community-focused approach with staking and governance mechanisms.
  • Offers vetting and milestone tracking to help validate quality projects.


These are some of the top IDO launchpads in the market. IDO launchpads have helped streamline the launch of new projects and promote fair and transparent token allocation while reducing the instances of rug pulls and scam projects. While the majority of IDO launchpads do due diligence before hosting an IDO for the project, it is always safe to do your vetting individually to ensure maximum returns. 

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