Planning a Trip to Stonehenge: Things to Consider, Tips and Advice

Trip to Stonehenge

Last Updated on July 25, 2024 by Team Experts

Are you looking for a truly British experience? You simply cannot miss the abundance of charming cities, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and fascinating castles that can be found in and around London. A 5,000-year-old stone edifice that dominates the British countryside, Stonehenge, tops that list. Stonehenge, a group of boulders placed in a ring pattern, is arguably one of the most amazing relics of Britain’s history. It is estimated that each of these rocks weighs about 25 tonnes. A trip to this place, located in Salisbury and just 115 miles from London, must be on your bucket list!

One of the most well-liked tours is the one to Stonehenge. Before you organize your Stonehenge trip, make sure you have everything you need. If you are considering taking the Stonehenge tour, you can use the following tips to guide you:

What to Consider While Visiting Stonehenge:

  • There are two routes to get to Stonehenge from Salisbury. You have the option of taking a bus or driving your vehicle to the historic location. We advise you to use the bus instead. Salisbury is a charming town and the ideal illustration of a mediaeval town. It is important to take advantage of the bus ride’s complete tour of the entire town.
  • Always plan and purchase your Stonehenge tickets. There is always a possibility that you will have to wait since only a fixed amount of tickets are sold each day.
  • Bath, another well-liked tourist destination, is only 45 minutes from Salisbury. There are lots of combo excursions that visit both of these sights. Selecting one of these package tours will allow you to save time and money.
  • Make your way to the location as early as you can if you want to avoid the crowd. After 10 AM, it becomes crowded. Visit Stonehenge just before it closes if you can’t get there in the morning. You may dodge the crowds while still enjoying the stone building in the light of the evening sun.
  • It is a good idea to layer your clothing whether you are travelling in the summer or the winter. This is because Stonehenge is frequently rather windy, regardless of the season. Additionally, it’s a good idea to have a raincoat or umbrella on hand because Salisbury has a lot of precipitation.
  • Don’t forget to stroll through Salisbury, a charming town. After you have finished seeing Stonehenge, go for a walk across the countryside to experience a typical British town.


  • Purchase your Stonehenge tickets in advance: Stonehenge, which is essentially a mound of large rocks, is quite well-known! There are a limited number of tickets available each day to visit Stonehenge, and access is timed. You might have to wait if you show up on your own without tickets secured through a tour. To save time, avoid possibly lengthy lineups, and guarantee entry, I advise purchasing your tickets in advance.
  • Be on time if you’re driving: Even though historians and scientists are unsure of exactly what it is, there is a reason why Stonehenge’s circle is still so well-known. Although it’s a location unlike any other, you might not enjoy it due to high school field excursions and aggressive visitors with tripods.
  • Purchase an audiobook: They’re included in the ticket charge and offer a wealth of knowledge on Stonehenge. I don’t believe I knew any more about Stonehenge when I left than when I arrived because so much of what is known about it is speculative, but it’s still lovely to have a small tour in the palm of your hand.
  • A Stonehenge solstice: The Winter Solstice is the Northern Hemisphere’s shortest day of the year and its longest night, making it an especially wonderful occasion to visit Stonehenge. If historians are right and Stonehenge is an ancient clock, it has been keeping track of the seasons for 5,000 years.
  • Look Around: If you merely go to Stonehenge, you could feel a little overwhelmed or dissatisfied, unless you are utterly enthralled with the concept of an ancient druid stone circle. Although experts advise allowing two hours for a visit, it wouldn’t be the end of the world if you just had an hour.
  • Choose a combined tour: To maximise your time and explore as many neighbouring sights as possible. There are several places close by that are also worthwhile visits for travellers seeking to make the most of their trip into the Wiltshire countryside. Discover Bath, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its stunning Georgian architecture, take a drive through the Cotswolds, or cross the plains to Salisbury Cathedral. The official residence of Her Majesty the Queen, Windsor Castle, is located in the ancient town of Windsor.

Read more: 10 Most Famous Landmarks in Europe You Must Visit

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