Boosting Performance: Optimizing Android Apps

Optimizing Android Apps

Last Updated on June 12, 2023 by Team Experts

Today’ users are impatient!

Do you know what that means?

It means any miniscule glitch in your app can lead your TG to your competitors.

Alas! This is the sad reality, provoking app owners to take extra careful initiatives to optimize their apps and improve their performance and efficacy to another level.

In such a demanding situation, it is highly chaotic to build an app that scales higher meeting burgeoning users’ demands.

However, we have got you covered!

We are here to help you understand the basic yet essential factors that can bring a change to your app’s performance exponentially.

Android app performance

We all know the worth of high-performing Android apps.

They not just build a strong connection with users, but also engage them with the brand today, tomorrow, and beyond.

Although, it is demanding to build high-quality Android applications, as each device comes with its own mechanism. Hence, developers need to devise a strategic plan to carry out the tasks and address the challenges.

Finding it too much to handle?

Fret not!

Below we have brought a list of engaging factors to help building the robust Android apps.

Reduce app size

App size- is one of the most tumultuous factors that is mostly overlooked by the app developers.

Once the app gets built, in the run, there are multiple features, content, functionalities, images and whatnot.

This all combined can shoot up the app size and that can be a problem for the mobiles having minimal storage.

Therefore, it is highly crucial to reduce the app size to enhance speed and responsiveness. And this can be executed by optimising the different aspects that lead to increase the app size drastically.


Get a hold on Activity Leaks

Memory leaks- a dangerous aspect that can low down your app’s performance.

This aspect happens when a specific program utilizes certain memory storage, but fails to retain or release back to the mobile device, once the task is completed.

It may sound trivial, but can cost your app’s success in the longer run, because it consumes memory unnecessarily.

Consequently, the app experiences slow performance, unexpected crashes, and shutdown of phone device multiple times.

Ahh, that is a nightmare!

To save from such a catastrophic situation, it is mandatory for developers to build an app that does not leak memory, and has improved functionality to work clutter-free on multiple devices.

This ensures that the process of android app performance optimization occurs smoothly without excessively using device storage.


App Launch Time

When was the last time you uninstalled an app due to longer app launch time?

Maybe very recently. It is very common for users to uninstall the app if they find apps taking longer than 3 sec to launch.

This calls for a considerable amount of time to be invested before launching the app in the market. Developers need to spend time on working specifically on app load time as it defines app’s success and failure extensively.

The optimization of content, animation, micro-interactions, images, and technology imbibed within the app, needs to be addressed smartly to optimize them further.

Failing to do so would only require a dreadful reaction from the users, and the app would turn into a lost case.

Hence, pay attention to app load time and win your audience.

Android encryption performance

Can you miss out on security on your app?

Of course not!

No matter, how far technology has improved, but that has raised the concern of security glitches as well. It gives hackers a platform to fiddle with the vulnerabilities your app has to offer.

Henceforth, don’t take security for granted!

It can easily be achieved with the Android encryption performance system, which enables SSL/TLS communication with data-in-transit encryption.

It is further utilized by HTTPS to encrypt network data in transit. This process as a whole improves android app performance optimization, and enables users to access their data without fear of security loss.

Browser Caching

We all store data on mobile phones. However, at the same time, each app has its own data storage, which can lead to a longer loading time for graphics in the app. Thus, it is highly crucial to utilize the device memory efficiently so a fast and clutter-free experience oozes out while using the app.

This process can be conducted easily with browser caching.

It is an effective way that allows mobile apps to store data only in the browser. It enables storing the web app’s files locally on the user’s device, leading to an expedited loading time every time user opens the app.

As expected, with this method, the app launch time gets reduced and other functionalities of app runs smoothly.

Use tools for performance monitoring

Performance monitoring is no longer a PM tool, but has a place in the Android performance optimization strategy as well.

Here, the developers include a number of specialised tools to identify issues pertaining to app, such as slow app responses, broken/pixelated animations, screen freezing and power consumption.

As we know, identifying these issues is vital for optimization process and lead to high-end user experience.

Visual Content optimization

Within an app, something that captures the user’s attention, is nothing but the visual elements.

These elements can be in any form, such as images, flow chart/diagrams, or video tutorials, and ensure that the information is conveyed quickly.

Here, the size of these visual contents needs to be worked upon, as it can impact the app’s performance and slow it down.

Also, the format of these visual contents should be checked, so users can view them without facing any difficulty.

When you Hire professional android developer, the outcome helps to significantly reduce the amount of space consumed by images and other visual elements, resulting in faster load times and a better user experience.


Utilizing A Good CDN (Content Delivery Network)

The value of Content Delivery Network (CDN) cannot be outpaced in the digital age.

Today, we are surrounded by streaming services and cloud computing, and here, CDN technology ensures delivering the right information to the right audience across geographies.

With this, it becomes easy to enhance an app’s reliability, speed, and performance, while reducing the page loading time.

Its mechanism enables app/web apps to cater to requested content from the nearby server without a glitch.

Concluding Thoughts

Let’s accept the fact that app optimization is crucial for businesses.

Today’s users rely heavily on apps to share, view, and update information. In simpler terms, apps have become a nexus point connecting every possible device, machines to humans.

In such a demanding scenario, it becomes a responsibility for the app developers to pay attention to app optimization.

The aforementioned points are a glimpse of app optimization techniques to help your business scale higher.

If you also want to thrive in your business, then you must follow these app optimization techniques.

Keep watching this space for more enthralling tips for experienced android development services and grow out of bounds.

Until next time, Happy Coding!

Read more: Mobile App Testing – Top Problem Areas and their Solutions

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Anil is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable person who is a Technology evangelist. He's always been fascinated at work especially at innovation that causes benefit to the students, working professionals or the companies. Being unique and thinking Innovative is what he loves the most, supporting his thoughts he will be ahead for any change valuing social responsibility with a reprising innovation. His interest in various fields and the urge to explore, led him to find places to put himself to work and design things than just learning. Follow him on LinkedIn

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