Mobile App Development Trends to Look Forward To

Mobile App Development Trends

Last Updated on July 31, 2024 by Team Experts

Mobile apps have already made a significant impact on all our lives. These apps will stay with us for a long time, without a doubt. However, it also means that businesses need to keep upgrading their mobile app from time to time to stay competitive. Therefore, businesses that want to reach the pinnacle of success, must watch out for the mobile app development trends.

However, before that, let’s look at some statistics that confirm mobile apps’ bright future.

Smartphone Subscriptions

The top three countries with the highest number of smartphone users are China, the United States, and India. The number of smartphone users today has already crossed a figure of 6.8 billion.

And, to top that off, this number is forecasted to increase to 7.7 billion by 2027.

These figures point out that people are only going to adopt smartphones and apps fiercely. Thus, opening up a wider pool of potential customers for those who want to launch super apps like Gojek Clonewith multiple services, OTT platforms, games, or even Tinder-like dating apps.

Mobile Operating System Market Share (Global %)

Android and iOS mobile operating systems are dominating the market.

The chart clearly shows that launching Android and iOS apps will be beneficial for your business and it will allow you to target a bigger market.

These charts and figures show exactly how boldly mobile apps are ruling the world.

Thus, businesses that want to build smart apps to boost their operations, make more money, or for any other goal in mind, must consider these upcoming trends.

Mobile App Development Trends

Payments via in-app wallet

People rely on mobile wallets to pay for anything, be it at the salon, grocery store, garage, or parking tickets.

No doubt paying through an in-app wallet or mobile wallet is becoming popular. Therefore, when developing a super app or single-purpose app for your business, ensure that you integrate the in-app wallet feature.

Develop apps for wearable devices

Another important trend to watch out for is the higher adaptability of wearable technology. People like to wear a smartwatch that helps them to count their footsteps, show their stress level, play music, and even book a taxi!

Well, it is true that with wearable technology, one can now book Uber-like taxi services. Thanks to super apps like Gojek Clone, people can install the taxi app on their iWatch and book rides on the go.

Here’s what the smart iWatch taxi booking app looks like.

In simpler words, a business has to consider developing apps for mobile plus smart wearables if they wish to capture a bigger share of the market.

Also, this can help them to attract more users who are into tech-savvy things!

Integrate chatbot systems

Chatbots are a great way to stay in touch with customers even after business hours are over.

When you remain 24X7 present for your customers, your business will do better. Your business will streamline and you will be able to offer better support!

Moreover, chatbots are already popular and in the coming years, they will be everywhere. Some interesting statistics that you should know about chatbots are here as follows –

●     According to IBM, replacing human agents with chatbots can save up to 30% cost for a business.

●     As per Drift, 55% of businesses tend to gain more sales by simply using a chatbot system.

As A Bonus

Well, now that you are familiar with some of the top-selling trends, let’s just hype up the idea of mobile app development even more.

Check out the list of advanced features that you can add to your super apps like Gojek Cloneor any other service app and make it a top hit!

●     Login with biometric authentication (Face ID and Fingerprint)

●     In-app video and voice calling

●     Voice note instructions

●     OTP verification

●     Push notification

●     Live location tracking

In Conclusion:

Launching a mobile app be it super apps like Gojek Cloneor any app with a single purpose is daunting when you don’t have the right solutions.

Therefore, to help you stay at the pinnacle of success all the time and be competitive, try out opting for a white-labeled, ready-made solution.

Launch the app quickly, get annual upgrades, and save your money on building an almost-obsolete app from scratch.

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Anil is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable person who is a Technology evangelist. He's always been fascinated at work especially at innovation that causes benefit to the students, working professionals or the companies. Being unique and thinking Innovative is what he loves the most, supporting his thoughts he will be ahead for any change valuing social responsibility with a reprising innovation. His interest in various fields and the urge to explore, led him to find places to put himself to work and design things than just learning. Follow him on LinkedIn

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