How to Be Followed On Instagram: 5 Tricks to Make Followers

Instagram followers

Last Updated on July 15, 2024 by Team Experts

How to be followed on Instagram by as many people as possible? In other words, how do you get followers and increase your popularity?

If you work with Instagram, whether you are an influencer or you are simply a company that wants to advertise its products, you will surely have realized that having a lot of followers is one of the bases to get more attention on you.

Nowadays, it’s harder and harder to get the number of people following your content to grow. In fact, while once a trivial technique such as follow/unfollow was enough, now, also due to the new limits and restrictions imposed by Instagram, it is necessary to use new growth methods.

So, in this article we recommend a series of tricks to make you follow yourself on Instagram, making followers in an organic way. Read on to learn more.

Pro-Tip: If you’re looking for a quick way to get success on Instagram, then you can also buy Instagram Followers Canada.

1. Define the audience you are targeting

Let’s start this article on how to be followed on Instagram by focusing on one of the most important points, which is to understand who the audience you will have to address is.

This action must be done on the one hand upstream, establishing in advance who you want to communicate your content to, and on the other downstream, by means of the feedback provided by the insights of your profile , through which you have the opportunity to see the composition of the your audience by age, gender and by geographic distribution.

Based on this data, you will then need to develop content suitable for what your shared interests and interests are. Take care of your channel and make the message you want to convey clear. A person who arrives on your page must know from the first moment who you are, what you want to communicate and why on this channel.

Use tools like caption, name and profile picture to give a clear picture of you and your business.

The feed is also one of the keys to creating a defined idea, being consistent in the type of content shared and aesthetically. Basically, having a beautiful color harmony is one of the techniques to perfect your profile.

2. Publish quality content consistently

Publishing consistently is one of the most important strategies to be followed on Instagram. This does not mean overwhelming and being too intrusive, but rather finding the right frequency, which in general is around 2 posts per day and no more than a dozen stories. However, people also buy Instagram Followers Australia to improve the engagement rate.

In addition to the quantity, it is also essential to consider the quality of the published content. In this case two aspects must be considered: the information level of the post and the quality of the image.

To develop your photos you can use tools such as Canva,Snappa or Fotor, depending on the type of content you want to make. To learn more, read our article on the 10 best apps for creating posts.

As for the textual part, there is no general rule. What I can advise you is to follow the style used by popular influencers in your niche, and replicate it (don’t copy it, mind you) accordingly.

3. Wisely choose the time to post

Another method to get you to follow on Instagram and increase your interactions is to publish at the right time, or when your target audience is most active on this social media.

Always by analyzing your insights you will be able to understand which are the best days and the most suitable time slots to get more likes and comments.

By posting at the right times you can get more interactions, making your posts viral and making followers faster , thus shortening the road to your popularity.

If you want to know how to access the official statistics and what are the best times to publish, read our dedicated article.

Always posting at the right times can be difficult, especially if you manage more than one account. Precisely for this reason, dedicated programming bots come in handy, which allow you to plan the publication of posts on Instagram and to publish them subsequently in a completely automatic way.

4. Use the right hashtags

Using and choosing the appropriate hashtags is another technique to be followed on Instagram, precisely because through these keywords a wider audience will be able to see your photos and videos.

As explained in this article, among other things, hashtags are nothing more than labels that allow you to identify the content and show it to all people who have a particular interest. You can be satisfied, if you know what are the best websites to buy Instagram Followers.

Precisely for this reason it is necessary not to use hashtags that are too generic or that do not respect the content of the images or videos. Their selection must be made with care and consistency with your goals: they must reflect the message you want to send to your audience.

Sometimes it can be difficult to find effective hashtags related to a particular keyword. For this reason, several Instagram hashtag generators are available online, such as the one provided by Inflect and many others. For the complete list, read our article on the subject.

5. Interact with other users

The last tip on how to be followed on Instagram, but definitely not the least important, is to always have a high number of interactions with other users, regardless of whether they have already interacted with your profile or not.

Keep in mind that the algorithm rewards those who are more active: by liking and commenting on other photos you will increase your visibility and you will make yourself known by more and more people, and not only by the author of the post you interacted with.

To increase your visibility, one of the most used techniques is the so-called Shoutouts, or when someone mentions you or your brand in their stories or Instagram posts and asks their followers to check your page. You should also have an idea about hide Instagram Likes and Views because sometimes it is very important in doing so.

To better understand what it is, we also recommend reading our article dedicated to Instagram Shoutouts, where you can learn all the details of the case.

How to be followed on Instagram is one of the most common doubts when starting to use this social media professionally. The ones just presented are just some of the possible strategies. To succeed in this communicative objective it is good to combine strategy, research, perseverance and quality in a workmanlike manner. Ultimately, always being original is the key to popularity.

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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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