In-Stock Guns: What Are They For?

A stock is an accessory that allows you to fire a firearm at a higher rate. Many types of stocks include folding, collapsible, and removable ones. Some of these stocks are made of metal, and others are made of wood or plastic. Regardless of which type of stock you choose, choosing the proper one for the rifle you intend to use is important.

Bump stocks allow semi-automatic firearms to fire at a faster rate

A bump stock is an accessory that enables semi-automatic firearms to fire faster than they would normally. These are generally installed on AR-15 rifles. Law-abiding gun owners use them to increase the rate of fire of their semi-automatic rifles. In stock guns mimic automatic fire by bumping back and forth between the shooter’s shoulder and the trigger finger. The shooter then holds the trigger finger in place while applying forward pressure to the barrel and back pressure to the pistol grip. ATF officials say Paddock used the device to increase his rifle’s fire rate.

While bump stocks are widely available, they have been the subject of intense scrutiny from lawmakers and law enforcement. 

They’re not regulated as firearms

The recent ruling by a 9th Circuit panel that ruled that California’s semi-automatic rifle ban is unconstitutional could lead to additional scrutiny of the state’s gun control laws. The law prohibits adults under 21 from owning semi-automatic rifles.

But the space for gun regulation is shrinking, both under state and federal law, according to a recent Duke University law professor and an expert on the Second Amendment. “We’re seeing a reduction in the space for gun regulation because the population is getting older,” Miller said in a recent article. “The space for gun regulation is becoming more constrained,” Miller said, citing an upcoming Supreme Court ruling on New York’s law that prohibits carrying guns in public without a special need for self-defense.

The District of Columbia’s registration law limits the availability of certain classes of firearms and requires that each gun have a valid registration certificate. However, many dangerous guns are not registered, including sawed-off shotguns, machine guns, short-barreled rifles, assault weapons, and snub guns.

They’re unregulated

The sale of privately manufactured firearms, such as in-stock guns, is rising, but why are they becoming so popular? Law enforcement officials aren’t sure, but they think it’s because of the “disruptive” technology taking hold in the market. They say that, as a result, private-sale guns slowly gain traction before rocketing upward as buyers catch on.

A loophole in federal regulation has helped ghost guns flourish. Because of this loophole, online purchases are exempt from background checks and registration requirements. Unfortunately, these guns are a magnet for banned gun owners, domestic abusers under protective orders, the mentally ill, and even children.

They’re made of plastic

Plastic stocks are a great way to keep the cost of guns down, especially for budget-conscious shooters. Injection-molded plastics are easy to process and are lighter than other materials. However, the plastic stock is not as rigid as wooden or metal stock. For this reason, plastic stocks may flex a little when fired, which can affect the point of impact.

Plastic stocks are not waterproof but resistant to typical scratches and dings. But, like laminated wood, they are still susceptible to temperature changes.

Read more: Call of Duty Modern Warfare: 5 Tips to Smash the competition on Gunfight


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