How Do I Find A Technology Partner – Best Tips

Technology Partner

Last Updated on July 15, 2024 by Team Experts

“In this blog you will find the best tips to select the right technology partner. So, if you have a query in mind, how do I find a technology partner, then this write-up is meant for you. Let’s begin”

Regardless of whether you are looking to reexamine your innovation methodology or more likely adjust it to the heading of your business. Or to carry out a point arrangement that tends to a specific business issue.  

Who you like to connect with directly through the drive is fundamental to its general achievement? 

Keep in mind, it’s with regards to dollars and pennies, yet more critically – how well the innovation arrangement resolves the fundamental issues it was intended to tackle. All in all, that shows how do I find a technology partner?

Therefore, organizations have involved cost and size as the essential models while choosing accomplices over the most recent decade or thereabouts. Sadly, other essential qualities, including industry understanding, skill in pertinent advances, system, devices, culture, and experience of the conveyed staff have all been consigned to auxiliary or tertiary status.

Hence, the outcome is that almost one out of two drives neglects to meet its unique objectives and business aim. And finishing in nearly 25% of the contributed direct dollars and human resources will squander. Whereas, there are a few different reasons – the absence of business arrangement or potentially leader arrangement, absence of solid program administration, and so on that lead to such disappointments.

Having worked with a few organizations in an assortment of ventures to “salvage” troubled vital activities in the most recent twenty years, I have found that not having the correct accomplice perpetually is in the blend as a key supporter.

The Challenge

The issues illustrated above are not new – top chiefs have long recognized their battle to overcome any barrier between the system plan and the execution of the supporting drives. Be that as it may, the accompanying underlying changes have intensified the test –

They are fixing IT financial plans.

  • Lopsided distribution of IT financial plans to high-take a chance with regions like network safety.
  • Arrangements and imperatives set up by acquisition associations are intended to reign in expenses and make it more straightforward for them to work. It has brought about squeezing the capacity of the business and IT to choose accomplices that might be an ideal choice for a given drive.
  • Reevaluating game plans oblige the organization’s capacity to connect outsider suppliers and outsider arrangements.

How do I find a technology partner?

The difficulties illustrated above are genuine, and there is nobody, simple arrangement.

Nonetheless, the following are a couple of suggestions for working inside the limitations while as yet offering the most obvious opportunity to choose the suitable accomplice for a given drive –

  • Focus on drives vital and schedule/strategic.
  • Recognize drives that require specific devices, abilities, or potentially profound industry/process mastery.
  • Foster a business case that diagrams the particular changes required, the devices/advances/aptitude expected to accomplish these changes, and connect these to the advantages and expenses. This will give the support to go external to the standard acquisition standards.
  • Help the acquisition association distinguish and vet the correct accomplice and arrange the proper expenses agreements for the virtual drive by giving business and IT support.
  • During the screening system, focus on immaterial contemplations, for example, – “how put is the accomplice in your prosperity”; “does the proposed group have the right blend of industry and business process information, specialized abilities, organized strategy, devices, formats and gas pedals, and program the executives mastery to guarantee the accomplishment of the drive.” Price should be auxiliary to these contemplations as long as it fits inside the requirements of the business case.

Purchasing choices made with apparently the right plan (cost and effectiveness) at the top of the priority list frequently wind up having the contrary impact – delays, cost invades, and poor business results. Organizations need to survey the effect that unbendingly following corporate purchasing standards is having both as far as immediate expenses and working expenses. After all this research, I came closer to answering that: How do I find a Technology Partner?

The Best Technology Partner In India 

After searching around the internet and analyzing almost 300 companies, I have come down to one selection: CINNTRA INFOTECH.

Cinntra Infotech is a trusted and driving Software Product Development and Service organization in India. The organization offers a comprehensive arrangement of items and administrations.

They are offering answers for ventures like Logistics, Manufacturing, Retail, Education, Food and Beverages, Oil and Gas, Media. Cinntra Infotech upholds clients with far and wide involvement with the most cutthroat rates.

Cinntra Infotech was granted the Best Implementation Partner. They are the esteemed Gold Partner of Oracle and Partner of Microsoft and SAP. The organization was established in 2017 by Mr. Laxmikant Dixit and Mr. Sameer Abdul Raheem. The CEOs of the organization hold over 25 years of industry experience. The organization cooks their administration worldwide with workplaces in UAE, Canada, Africa with a settlement in India. The organization holds a solid client base with organizations like MCX, EY, G4S, Landmark, and so forth.


I hope after reading this blog “How do I find a Technology Partner?”. You must have got a glance of what is needed. And what you should actually keep in mind before choosing your business partner. To make it even easier for you, we have got the #1 SAP Partner of the year – Cinntra Infotech. 

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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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