Is There an Affordable Way to Get a Registered Office Address in London?

Buying Property and Renting in London

There are two obvious ways you can have a registered office address in the capital city. First, you can purchase a property for your business in London. This can be where you operate. But, we all know that property prices in the capital are sky high. For many businesses, this is simply not an affordable thing you can do. This is particularly true if you already have business premises.

Then, there is the option to rent a property in London. Again, you can operate your business from here and it can be a way to pay monthly rather than purchase a property. But, renting prices in London are some of the highest in the country. So, unless you are ready to spend a lot of money each month on rent, you are going to be looking for an alternative.

Choose a Virtual Office

So, is there really an affordable alternative to purchasing and renting property in London? The answer is yes. Now, it is possible to enjoy a virtual office space. This is going to allow you to have a registered office address in the capital. For example, W1 Virtual Office allows you to enjoy a prime company location in London. This makes it appear that your office is based in the area chosen but you are able to function elsewhere. It is going to mean substantial savings for your business if you want to have a registered office address here. 

So, you can enjoy having a registered office address in London. Is there any other advantages you can enjoy? The answer is yes. Let’s go into detail about the benefits of having a virtual office space in London.

You Can Work from Home

Do you want to have a registered office address in the capital but actually want to work from home? Well, this is where a virtual office comes in. You are going to be able to work from anywhere but customers will see your business address in London. If you have meetings, you will find that a lot of virtual offices can offer you a space to hire. But, most of the time, you can operate from home without any problems.

You Save A lot of Money

Ultimately, a virtual office is going to save you a lot of money. This can be money that you can put into your business in other ways. You can work on new projects or expand for the future. A huge chunk of your budget is not going to be spent on the premises. You will enjoy a lot more freedom with a virtual office.

There is No Commuting

If there is one thing that nobody likes, it is the commute to and from work. This is wasted time and it can take away a lot of free time that you have. Downtime is important if you want to be productive. So, with a virtual office, you can cut the commute time. You and your team are able to function virtually, which can offer a better work-life balance for everyone.

Enjoy the Reputation

Having a business with an office address in London is something to boast about. It is instantly going to make you more appealing to customers and business associates. Everyone knows the capital city, as well as its reputation for business. So, with a virtual office, you are able to enjoy this prestige. This is all while operating elsewhere and saving money. 

Get Your Address Quickly

Purchasing or renting property takes a lot of time. In fact, it can take months before you get the keys. The great thing about a virtual office is that you can get your business address almost immediately. There is no waiting around and you can update your details for everyone on the internet to see.

Read more: Office Renovation An Integral Part Of Interior Design


She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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