Content Marketing – Tips and Ideas You Should Know

Content Marketing

Last Updated on August 19, 2024 by Team Experts

Content marketing, Is your strategy for creating and disseminating content on the Internet effective?

Do you think that publishing for the sake of publishing is going to lead you anywhere? In digital environments, the content has to be very good for it to work accurately.

If you generate mediocre content, imagine what the result will be like.

You have something to deliver, and that something is unique. It’s as simple as that.

Here are a handful of ideas without waste to turn your online content into a perfect mechanism to attract customers, transform visits into real business opportunities, and make your investment of time or budget profitable. For actionable strategies and expert advice, check out our detailed content marketing tips

Take it seriously and achieve an impact for your business that will not leave you indifferent.

What is content marketing?

It consists of a strategic digital marketing approach focused on creating and distributing relevant and valuable content in order to attract the attention of a defined audience, help solve their problems and drive profitable actions.

Without content, there is no marketing. No results.

Learn how to effectively launch your content marketing strategy for best results.

When your current and potential customers think of your company as an ally to their business, it’s easier for them to choose you when it’s time to take action (and buy).

Start with a good content strategy.

Think that total sales from traffic generated through content marketing strategies are still the best indicator of success.

When you publish quality content, you put into operation machinery with the potential to attract potential customers and sell, but if you also rely on an innovative and intelligent content strategy, the chances of achieving successful results multiply.

Build trust in your audience and build a positive brand reputation. Implement effective content marketing tactics to elevate your strategy.

Reflect on what you want to achieve, who you are targeting, what is important to transmit, or what type of content you are going to disseminate.

Be strategic and escape mediocrity.

Produce evergreen content

This practice is a revelation when what you want is to conquer new clients and obtain traffic to your website and your blog.

Create timeless content for long-term success.

It generates results with no expiration date because it brings as much value to users today as in a month, a year, or five. Let’s say it is the antithesis of the ephemeral nature of social content, where an update can be out of date a few hours after being published.

What we propose is to produce content that stays relevant, lasts over time, works well with the audience you are targeting, and is also optimized for search engines.

And if that weren’t enough, Google loves it.

Find out how to make your content truly attention-grabbing and stand out.

If you do all that, you already have a part of the advanced work part.

There are formats that always work well in your evergreen content creation strategy :

  • Frequently asked questions – FAQS
  • Tutorials
  • Success stories
  • Client testimonials
  • Practical guides
  • Online tools
  • Checklists
  • Glossaries

Oh, and take note of one last detail. The key is to implement a content strategy that strikes a balance and combines current affairs articles, content-length posts (3,000+ words), and evergreen content.

Do the test. Use different formats to generate content.

Discover the secrets to sustainable content marketing success in our comprehensive guide

There are some ideas to make your content work.

Blog posts

Creating articles to blog is perhaps the most popular form of content marketing.

It provides authority as a close brand. They have the ability to disseminate keywords that favor SEO positioning, establish your website as a benchmark in your industry and an authorized source of information, they are easily shared by users on social networks, linked from other sites by the value they add, and also send traffic to your website.

Can you ask for more?

The content you publish on a blog connects you with your target, opens the flow that enriches communication in other online channels, gives life to your email marketing strategy, and stimulates business contacts.

And to make it more attractive from the visual point of view, it is useful to diversify the format and include images, videos, infographics, or online presentations.

Explore the role of a content writer and virtual assistant in crafting compelling content.


Video is a content format that people consume on a daily basis, it gives a human touch to your brand, and it does so in a creative and empathetic way. As it captures the attention of users, the time spent on the page is increased, and that favors the establishment of much more fluid connections.

It’s no secret that it is easy to consume and share, involving the audience that you target. It favors organic search engine rankings and impacts on purchasing decisions and conversion rates. Record a tutorial with your product using screen recorder for Windows 10 or shoot an interview about your company and share it with users – they will appreciate it!


It involves the creation of audio or video files that are published by episodes. Podcast consumption has exploded, and that makes its integration into your digital strategy make sense.

Encourage close contact with your audience, build brand awareness, offer regular long-form content, keep people “plugged in” to your activity while encouraging engagement and helping with SEO.


A webinar is a profitable way of communicating with your potential clients. Capture the attention of a predefined audience, enrich your company’s online content, establish authority in your field of expertise, and resize your reach by being accessible to a global audience.

Webinars have gained momentum in online content marketing strategies from the trend to digitize events as a consequence of social distancing. They inspire trust and have become a source of quality sales opportunities.

Success stories

Inspire and transmit the best version of your business. Provide a narrative based on real experiences and tell the details about how some of your customers have managed to overcome their challenges and find useful solutions to their business challenges thanks to your products or services.

Also, take customer testimonials to another level while increasing your credibility and letting the world know that what your company offers works.  

Electronic newsletters

You are facing one of the marketing and communication tools with the most potential to win the interest of your target audience. Through a well-designed email marketing strategy, you can share what you do and enhance the most valuable assets of your business through relevant messages for a segmented audience.

You can also offer a lead magnet, which is a type of free downloadable content (in the format of an ebook, guide, podcast, checklist, or freemium access to a service, for example), in exchange for contact information, and convert your website or blog visitors into potential customers.

Frequent questions

Does your website have a FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions page?

It is content in the form of questions and answers about the possible doubts of users in relation to your company, products, or services. They generally resolve concerns and favor the experience of more than one user. Not only do they add real value, but they also enhance SEO positioning and attract qualified traffic to your website.

Explore consumer suggestions with the Answer The Public tool and get hints and content ideas to enrich the textual content of your website’s FAQs.


It is a graphical element with a significant visual load that can make a difference in terms of interaction. Well thought out, it is an easy-to-digest content format that simplifies data in a way that everyone can understand. It uses graphics, drawings, and small blocks of text that help users to interpret information quickly.

They are easy to integrate, they can include links to other pages or offers with additional content, they are very successful on social networks, and they are an excellent trigger to engage potential customers to take action.

Long-form articles

Extensive posts (starting at 3,000 words), provide the opportunity to address topics from multiple points of view, offer in-depth information and have a strong impact on SEO.

Long-form content requires effort and hours of research, but adds value to users, translates into higher rankings in search results, authority for your brand, and is also effective for users potentially interested in your product and service offering. And send traffic to your website.

Repurposed content

As you can imagine, producing content can become a difficult and expensive task (in time, effort, and money). But there is a technique that consists of reusing existing content transformed into a new format. You can make a blog post into a video, podcast, or infographic, for example. 

With repurposed content, you target a different type of audience, enrich the information and even give a new focus. You can start from evergreen content already published. Convert it to other formats and get maximum diffusion with much less effort.

The next step is to see what you have, what you are going to create from scratch, and what you can reuse.

Content Creation Toolkit

Creating content is quite an adventure. When you start, you never really know where and how you are going to finish because research leads you down a priori unsuspected paths. Maybe you even have a very clear idea, but once you start, you can scatter before the piece is finished.

This is serious.  

And to make the task easier, using some tools gives you a friendly environment to plan ahead and build quality content.


Have fun with this easy-to-use SEO tool based on the autocomplete function of some search engines like Google. It generates the kinds of questions users ask based on a specific keyword and is very useful for inspiring you with thematic content ideas.

It returns hundreds of relevant suggestions from Google around a specific concept and shows the results in very attractive visual wheels or also in the form of data that you can download in CSV format. 


It is an online video editor for creating content in video format. In its free version, you can create videos in a short time. It has studio-quality templates, animations, images, and effects to enrich your content and express any concept. In addition, its payment plan offers even more striking effects.  


Research and content curation tool that allows you to delve into any topic or niche. You can perform searches, and it returns links to the most consumed and shared content on the Internet. Use all that information to discover what works best, identify influencers or generate ideas and build high-performance content.


Use this tool to write balanced, evocative headlines that rank in search results and generate clicks. Advertising great, like David Ogilvy said: “On average, five times more people read the headline than the body of the text.”

And that’s why powerful writing headlines make a difference. Also, if you register, the tool is free.


This online image editor works like a simplified graphic design tool for non-designers.

Its simple and attractive interface puts resources at your disposal with the simple gesture of dragging and dropping elements. You can design using multiple options of images, templates, fonts, and different colors, or crop, apply filters, adjust light, transparency, sizes, or proportions with a handful of clicks.


Edit your podcasts in easy mode. Automate the most technical and tedious tasks in production while you focus on promoting and growing your shows. It includes recording tools so you can edit your podcast schedule through a quick process, even if you have no previous podcasting experience. 

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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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