Category Technology

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10 Must-Read Books for Web Designers

The web is constantly evolving and the secret to good web design is to evolve with it. You must continuously sharpen your skills or risk designing sites that don’t convert and don’t win you more clients. There’s a lot you…

11 Ways SAP Control Helps Establish SoD

SAP Control helps establish a strong, stable operating foundation for your business. It is a tool that is designed to help you monitor and track the performance of your business on a day-to-day basis. Using analytic tools, you can understand…

List of SAP PARTNERS IN INDIA – Updated Guide

Choosing, executing, and maintaining an ERP  is one of the most significant and important things an association can accomplish for itself. Nonetheless, the onboarding process for any new  hardware & updates are rarely straightforward. And often takes many years to…

Free WP Appointment & Scheduling Plugin

Having a website related to booking means managing tons of appointments and time schedules. For the WordPress website, you have the option for Free WP Appointment & Scheduling Plugin.  If you want to let your customer book an online appointment…

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