Best Shopify Hacks to boost your Sales

Shopify Hacks

Last Updated on July 5, 2024 by Team Experts

Bet you get frustrated when your sales are slow and there is little room for generating profits. But don’t worry, eCommerce is a booming market and there’s immense competition. 

There are more than 1million eCommerce stores using Shopify to conduct their business online. This means there is too much competition out there. 

In order to stand out of the crowd you need shopify hacks to boost your sales online. 

Choose the Best and User Friendly Shopify Template

This may sound very basic, but 69% of the shopping carts are abandoned by users. This either means the user has saved the product for later purchase or there is too much friction in your purchase process. 

Choosing and installing an eye-catching template may sound very pleasing but, if it is at the cost of the user-experience then it is a total waste. 

In order to choose the best Shopify template for your eCommerce store that helps in increasing sales, make sure it abides by the following best practices:

  • User-friendly Navigation: A user-friendly navigation means there are no bottlenecks in the process, while the user is browsing your store.
  • Responsiveness: A clean and responsive Shopify template can be accessed from any device.
  • Drag and Drop Editor: A drag and drop editor in a template will allow you to easily set items across the screen without the need of a developer. This means whatever the changes you make will be visible on the front-end, and anything that looks messy can be fixed right away.

Integrate Your Shopify Store With Instagram

Did you know, Instagram has nearly 1billion active users? 

With that astounding number, you don’t want to miss out your chance to portray your products to this audience. You can easily grow your business with Instagram and Facebook from the Shopify dashboard. 

By using the product sync feature you can automatically sync your entire catalog to Instagram, which can be used to create shopping posts or you can even run marketing campaigns for your eCommerce store.

You can create a smooth shopping experience, by creating collections, customizing your shop according to different target groups and simply manage, track everything from within the Shopify dashboard. 

Collaborate With Influencers to Promote Your Products

This may sound like a challenging task, but if executed correctly you can drive hundreds of sales for your Shopify store. 

Influencers have the power to create a positive sentiment about your product, and present in front of a huge audience. As a new business, you might want to work on promoting your influencer program organically. 

Your influencer program can work in 3 ways. You can either feature them in your ads, sponsor them to promote your product or collaborate on something that is a win-win for both the parties. 

There are several ways to execute an influencer program. You can utilize a platform like CreatorIQ, GRIN (influencer marketing platform designed for ecommerce),Tribe Dynamics, and others to execute a campaign yourself. On the other hand you can hire an agency to execute the influencer marketing campaign for you. 

Launch a Giveaway Campaign 

Give away campaigns not only drive conversions, but it has the power to create engaged and loyal audiences. Giveaway campaigns can grow your store very quickly. 

In order to execute a successful campaign you need to define the right goals, offer an exciting prize, and combine that with an influencer or a brand ambassador to create a buzz. 

While you have your giveaway in full swing, you need to make sure you are providing regular updates to all the contestants. Launching a giveaway campaign to boost sales goes a long way in combining multiple strategies, to convert the new customers at a later stage. 

Create a Referral Program For Your Shopify Store to Boost Sales

A referral program is a sweet way to encourage your customers to talk about your products. If they love your products, they will eventually talk, and refer it to others.

A single sale can result in exactly two sales if you have correctly set up the reward for a referral program of your shopify store. This eventually creates a multiplier effect, when the referred customer then refers your product to another potential customer. 

When creating a referral program, to boost sales, make sure it is easy to share across multiple social platforms and you are giving away rewards in a timely manner. 


All the above mentioned hacks to boost sales require both planning, and smooth execution. You can either conduct everything manually or simply, automate the process using tools that are compatible with Shopify. 

We recommend to do a mix and match of manual and automated processes to ensure there is a human element in your campaigns. If executed correctly, all the above mentioned hacks will help you grow your sales, website traffic and an overall engaged customer list. 

Also read about: Best Order Management Apps To Integrate In A Shopify Store

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