Best Instagram Tips to Look for the Right Partners for Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Best instagram tips: Looking for the right partners for your Instagram Influencer marketing program is difficult. Therefore, you need to take some time out of your busy schedule and research your campaign goals. For instance, if you want to build more engagement, you need to collaborate with micro-influencers with fewer followers but increased user engagement levels. On the contrary, if you are looking for enhanced brand awareness, you need to focus on aspects like traffic and influencer’s reach. 

According to an article published on INC, there are many ways to win when it comes to influencer marketing on social media platforms. Owing to the popularity of influencer marketing, you can use influencer-tracking tools to keep a tab on conversions from sponsorships. 

In this article, we will talk about some of the best ways to find the right partners for Instagram influencer marketing. Here is how: 

Focus on follower quality 

When you want to work on influencer marketing, you need to align your brand with people who can influence your audience. Let us explain this point with the help of an example. For instance, if you have a fitness center, it is practical to collaborate with people who have the same audience such as health coaches, yoga experts, and gym instructors. 

You need to ensure that your influencer’s audience matches with that of yours. You might be wondering how to determine the same. Well, you need to focus on aspects like geographic location, gender, age, monthly income, language, and things like that. You need not reach out to an entire audience of your influencers but look for that meeting point where the two sets of audiences overlie. 

Then, you also need to recognize fake influencers and connect with genuine ones to help your marketing campaign a hit. 

Perform a reality check of your influencer’s engagement rate

When you see that your influencers have a good rate of engagement, it indicates that followers are paying heed to their content and taking some action. That is the reason why marketers use engagement level as a parameter to figure out who is the perfect influencer. 

Usually, an engagement rate of two or three percent is great on your influencers’ posts. Again, the ratio of four or six percent is outstanding, and posts with high 10s and 20s are viral. You can compute an influencer’s engagement rate as engagement rate =likes plus comments/followers multiplied by 100

When the engagement rates look good, it means you did manage to buy real Instagram followers and not fake ones. 

Focus on the follower count 

When it comes to Instagram, the follower count is not as important as it used to be previously. Studies show that the rate of engagement dips with the increase in the number of followers and influencers with moderate followers show higher rates of engagement on the posts. It is true indeed that influencers with wider audiences would indicate reduced rates of engagement as well as little direct communication when it comes to followers. 

Then, that does not mean you cannot collaborate with influencers with more follower count! Make sure your followers are genuine and relevant to your niche business. Only a more follower count with little relevance will not help you in your Instagram marketing campaigns. 

Keep a watch on influencer reach 

As far as Instagram is concerned, reach here means the number of unique people who viewed your content, and it is an essential aspect to figure out the value of your influencers. Then, there is no way you can compute influencer reach on your own. You have to request them for their social status. These days, some influencers incorporate such details in their media kit. Alternatively, you can use third-party tools such as Social Blade or Fohr

As far as Fohr is concerned, it provides you with some tools to figure out whether your influencer has a genuine following on IG or not. For instance, one of their tools gives a breakdown of an influencer’s username, followers-to-following ratio, number of posts, bio, and next, computes the total score depending on how an influencer managed to rank in the individual categories.

Evaluate your influencer’s content 

You also need to assess the quality of your influencer’s content published on Instagram as well as on other social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and more. It will help to give you a complete understanding of their content quality and niche or themes. Remember that posts with outstanding aesthetics do not translate to the best performance. The post quality and content or subject drive better results. 

Based on the finding of Fohr, plants, parenting, and even selfies drive maximum engagement, while ocean, bags, shoes lead to poor engagement. Therefore, you need to study and understand the content type and quality of your influencers on Instagram to succeed in your marketing campaigns. 


These are some of the best ways to collaborate with the right influencers to make your Instagram marketing campaigns successful and grow your business. Focus on these tips and you will see positive results.

Also read about: How to Get Free Instagram Followers Easily? 


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