How can KM technology help the banking & FinTech sector improve CX?


Last Updated on July 17, 2024 by Team Experts

Changing consumer habits and rising customer expectations have compelled banks to consider how they may better meet client needs. A customer-first mentality is necessary today to be competitive in the banking industry. Technology advancements are forcing banks and fintech to rethink how to engage customers and transform their banking and fintech experiences.

Technology and data are essential to create and offer a top-notch real-time client experience in banking that spurs growth and expands market share. Customers used to select banks based on criteria like history, reputation, and trust in the past. The customer experience trends in the banking sector are, however, shifting. Technology’s evolution has changed consumer tastes and increased the importance of the customer experience in banking.

CX in banking & FinTech has historically undergone very little change. The invention of the ATM in 1967 to automate bank teller procedures and cash withdrawals was one of the breakthroughs in that case. Then, banks began to offer customer service and transitioned to telephone banking, followed by the digital age, which changed the way banks interact with their clients.

Customer experience in banking is developing and rising to the top of the BFSI priority list. New services and policies must offer a higher level of convenience to be more customer-centric. Trust from customers is everything. Customers who trust a company are likely to buy from them and suggest them to friends and family. 

However, some clients embrace modern technology like Knowledge management systems to enhance their banking experience. FinTech businesses still need to put in more effort to earn clients’ trust like banks do.

Technology advancements are forcing banks and fintech to rethink how to engage customers and transform their banking and fintech experiences. Instead of items or services, contact quality is increasingly important for determining consumer happiness. Let’s look at some strategies for providing a positive client experience in banking.

Extremely individualized consumer contact

Most direct and digital marketing initiatives have provided tailored customer experiences for years. The modern consumer expects more from every service he uses.

Banks are utilizing consumer data to streamline processes, increase relevance, and provide customers faster access to desired outcomes. Customers will be more loyal and trustworthy, increasing prospects and income.

Digitalization and human touch combined.

The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to grow as it becomes more and more capable of acquiring and analyzing data, improving processes, and suggesting actions. AI enhances the ability to contextualize and personalize client interactions, making them seem more “human” even when no human interaction is involved. Genuine human communication is uncompetitive.

Banks occasionally reinstate actual customer service representatives to offer access through online methods. A highly tailored human engagement will be provided.

Voice interfaces, like Siri or Alexa, will alter the playing field in yet another application of human appearances to digital media via AI. Automation and ML (Machine Learning) will be used for anything from human voices to customer service. These interactions will only improve as they pick up new languages, pronunciations, and accents over time.

Proactively assist customers

The ability to help clients in real-time has been significantly improved by banks and fintech thanks to the combination of superior analytics, more data, and broader channel options that KM systems can provide. Banks must now be able to provide proactive insights that help customers avoid financial pitfalls. This makes it possible for customers to seize chances more quickly than before.

For instance, banks and financial institutions can use historical client behaviors and transactions to make intelligent recommendations in context when sending messages through SMS or on a mobile banking app. The bank will encourage a value exchange and reliance by providing consumers with proactive information. Customer loyalty and customer satisfaction will increase as a result.

Stable omnichannel assistance

Customers think that their banks prioritize them above anything else. They reject being forced to use a specific touchpoint. They want their banks to give them choices regarding how they can engage and make purchases without sacrificing the kind of service they receive. Most fintech will need to adjust processes and technologies to offer a smooth experience across touchpoints. To ensure your job is as effective as possible, you must evaluate interaction throughout the user journey.

Confidence, openness, and security

Suppose the consumer doesn’t trust you to respect their identity, secure their data, and be honest in their interactions. In that case, none of the customer experience metrics for banks or fintech will matter.

The client demands complete disclosure regarding the preservation of their data. Additionally, they desire high levels of protection for their data, including photos, signatures, and biometrics. The trust is undermined, and the client experience is damaged if your bank has privacy concerns.

The result of in-house customer experience management in the banking sector is a collection of vertically unified pits that are heavily duplicated and repeated across businesses and marketplaces. 

These repetitive compositions and rigid services are not only expensive, but they also limit flexibility and degrade the quality of the service by creating logical differences. Because of this, banks and fintech companies should avoid these risks at all costs and outsource CX.


Companies can find trends and technologies that improve customer ratings by analyzing feedback, performance, and passive data (network use, sentiment analysis, etc.). For instance, they can observe how customer self-service interactions impact CSAT score and make the necessary adjustments to keep ratings rising. Additionally, they can link post-call surveys to specific agents, areas, or teams to infer how well they performed.

Financial organizations must transform CX to succeed, mainly because, according to a Metrigy survey, customer happiness is the top corporate objective, followed by information security, revenue growth, and employee retention. Successful businesses embrace change and employ a range of technology to enhance customer experience and track performance.

Read more: How the Rise of DeFi Will Impact the Fintech Industry?

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