How Digital Marketing Smarts Took This Aussie Brand To Its Pinnacle

St. Frock's

Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Team Experts

Technology is one of the finest achievements of humanity. From exploring the infinite expanse of space to predicting the behaviour of an online demographic, tech allows us to achieve almost anything logically fathomable. Technology is transforming industries all over, and the Internet & software applications are two of the biggest catalysts of such widespread metamorphosis. Digital Marketing Smarts Took This Aussie Brand To Its Pinnacle

Digital marketing is one technological achievement that’s revolutionizing businesses all over. From global academic writing services offering Java assignment help services to local boutiques, digital marketing smarts can truly transform any business, large and small.

Merging digital technology with efficacious marketing techniques, digital marketing is nigh indispensable for any online brand. 

 This is the story of a fashion brand from Australia that reached its pinnacle by embracing digital marketing.

How Digital Marketing Doubles The Revenue Of St.Frock

Sandra Dee Makejev ran a retail quaint fashion joint on Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia. The massive 2009 Australian Dust Storm disrupted her businesses drastically, convincing her to shift her focus online.

Sandra launched St. Frock online via Facebook, and the brand quickly attracted loads of fans & sales. The social networking platform played a crucial role in exposing her brand to the online masses. It was one of the first instances of successful implementation of digital marketing by St. Frock. Her business grew exponentially, and the Sydney Morning Herald published an article titled, “From nothing to $ 480k in 10 months.” 

Facebook helped Sandra’s brand grow steadily for ten years until Covid-19 turned the world upside down.  With a country-wide lockdown, St. Frock’s brand image and decisive digital collaborations ensured that the business kept on running as smooth as whipped cream.  Her consumer base has expanded further in these ten years, and so has the digital marketing scenario. Many products and services are now available that can attract, connect and serve consumers intelligently, and assessment help enterprises engage consumers better. Sandra had the brains, the cash, and the necessity to incorporate digital marketing systems, and she did so when she tied up with the dotdigital platform.

The tie-up shot St. Frock’s already formidable prominence through the roof.  

Here’s a look at how digital marketing helped St. Frock grow bigger.

Digital Augmentation Of  St. Frock

Dotdigital and St. Frock: A Match Made In Heaven employs its omnichannel marketing capabilities to segment St. Frock’s substantial customer base.  Their enterprise digital marketing systems use analytics and automation to personalise the profiles of the fashion brand’s 300,000 new customers. 

Dotdigital’s seamless compatibility with Magento has helped St. Frock immensely. Magento is a leading online e-commerce website framework, and Sandra’s well-designed & responsive website is built upon it. In addition, the e-commerce website is monitored & maintained by dotdigital, just like the customer database.

What’s more, St. Frock’s website feeds off of the one million social media followers on Facebook. 

St. Frock’s Ventures Into Marketing automation

Sandra Dee Makajev’s collaboration with dotdigital is not the first time she tied up directly. Before, she has used MailChimp, the popular email management and marketing platform, with resounding success. St. Frock generated a whopping $ 12.5 million in sales, thanks to MailChimp’s powerful digital marketing features.

St. Frock’s association with dotdigital resulted from Sandra’s intention to upgrade her digital marketing tools and abilities, communicate better with consumers and move on to a better database.

Fortune Favors The Brave & The Intelligent

Her search for a more customer-centric digital marketing platform led Sandra to make a bold move and move on to an enterprise-level system. The timing was pitch-perfect as the migration occurred in 2019, and then Covid-19 struck. 

For St. Frock, its substantial online presence and migration to a robust digital marketing system helped it grow further when others struggled to sustain themselves. As a result, despite all the challenges of 2020, St. Frock doubled its revenue in that calendar year.

A large part of the brand’s phenomenal growth during the Covid-19 lockdown was due to sales prompted by effective email marketing campaigns. More than 40 percent of the increase in revenue is attributed to dotdigital’s email marketing campaigns, supported by potent customer insights, analytics, and effective automation.

According to Makejev, dotdigital’s seamless integration with Magento, powerful automation builder options, and superb local support teams were instrumental in St. Frock’s success during the quarantine.

Automation All The Way!

Matt Page, St. Frock’s e-commerce and Customer Relationship Manager, states that dotdigital allowed the brand to develop automated email, SMS and other communications systems that target seven different segments with impunity. 

The enterprise digital marketing platform helps the brand deliver segment-specific and personalised customer experiences like never before. Thanks to digital marketing smarts, St. Frock now can create customer life-cycle programs. Dotdigital’s intuitive but powerful automation builder makes it incredibly easy to create email templates, customises them as per a customer’s history.

The system does everything independently, without human intervention, from automated welcome and birthday messages to reminders about cart abandonment or not engaging with the company. 

Tangible Results

St. Frock’s Welcome Program raked in more than $200,000 in revenue, and the birthday program helped the business with more than 17000 customers. In addition, the company’s marketing department is now using more than 15 redesigned & personalised email programs via a central platform, thanks to Dotdigital. 

Furthermore, there’s also a system that pings customers on Facebook if they do not respond to the emails.

Dotdigital’s structured dynamic content blocks allow St. Frock’s marketers to craft relevant and targeted messaging across multiple channels. For example, they included different product modules such as new arrivals, customer preferences from their browsing history or items on offer or relevant to a customer’s journey.

Fighting Disruption With Digital

Though the brand’s vast online presence allowed it to survive the onslaught of the pandemic, Sandra states that a significant sales slump shrunk the business down to the size of a pea.  

However, they never lost touch with their customers, and persistent marketing continued across multiple marketing channels and delivered exceptional customer service to keep them connected with St. Frock.

Dotdigital’s support team offered assistance to St. Frock’s marketing teams in designing integrated and impressive re-targeting campaigns to identify and bring back lapsed customers.

Today, Sandra Dee Makajev’s St. Frock is a million-dollar enterprise with hundreds of thousands of loyal customers and a plethora of rave reviews. However, the potency and reach of digital marketing bolstered the brand’s connection, outreach, engagement, and eventually sales.

Digital marketing smarts has not just doubled the revenue of this Aussie fashion brand but taken it to a whole new level altogether!

And that rounds up this article. Hope it was an exciting read for all alike!

Read also: Top 5 Benefits of Employing Digital Marketing

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She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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