10 Anime Inventions That Would Change the World


Last Updated on July 29, 2024 by Team Experts

Today we will talk about 10 Anime Inventions That Would Change the World. Anime inventions have the potential to change the world by introducing new and innovative technologies, concepts, and ideas. These inventions can spark new industries, create new jobs, and improve quality of life in numerous ways.

For example, inventions like the Nerve Gear from Sword Art Online or the Virtual Reality headset from Sword Art Online have the potential to revolutionize the gaming and entertainment industries. Mobile suits from Mobile Suit Gundam could change the field of military technology and robotics.

Inventions like the Death Note from Death Note or the Quincy Arrows from Bleach could have a profound impact on crime-fighting and self-defense. Magic from Fate/Stay Night could open up new avenues for scientific research and exploration.

Overall, anime inventions have the potential to change the world by inspiring new ideas, solving problems, and creating new possibilities. Whether they ultimately have a positive or negative impact on society depends on how they are used and the values that guide their development.

Below are the 10 Anime Inventions That Would Change the World.

Death Note:

The Death Note is a fictional device from the manga and anime series “Death Note.” It is a notebook that has the power to control the fate of anyone whose name is written in it. If the person’s face is visualized and the cause of death is specified, they will die. The Death Note has been a central plot device in the series and has been used as a tool for both good and evil. The idea of a device that can control someone’s fate has far-reaching implications and could have a profound impact on the world if it were real.

NerveGear from Sword Art Online:

The NerveGear is a virtual reality headset from the anime and light novel series “Sword Art Online.” It is a device that allows the user to fully immerse themselves in a virtual world, using their thoughts to control their avatar and experience the environment. The NerveGear also blocks external stimuli and stimulates the user’s five senses to create a truly immersive experience. In the series, players are trapped in the virtual world of Sword Art Online and must work together to clear the game’s 100 floors to escape. The concept of a virtual reality headset that provides a fully immersive experience is a tantalizing one, and its development could have significant implications for both entertainment and various industries such as education, gaming, and training.

Scouters from Dragon Ball

Scouters are devices from the anime and manga series “Dragon Ball.” They are used to measure a person’s power level, which is a numerical representation of their strength and fighting ability. Scouters are worn on the ear and display the power level as a numerical value. In the series, scouters are primarily used by villains to determine the strength of their opponents and help them to devise strategies for defeating them. The concept of a device that can accurately measure a person’s fighting ability has a wide range of applications, from sports to military training and beyond. Additionally, the idea of a numerical representation of someone’s strength and ability opens up new possibilities for personal growth and self-improvement.

Mobile Suit from Mobile Suit Gundam:

Mobile Suits are giant robots from the anime and manga series “Mobile Suit Gundam.” They are equipped with a variety of weapons and tools and are used for a range of purposes, including combat, construction, and exploration. In the series, Mobile Suits are operated by pilots known as “Mobile Suit Pilots.” The concept of giant robots has long been a staple of science fiction, and the development of Mobile Suits could revolutionize various industries, including construction, military, and space exploration. The idea of operating giant robots also raises questions about the relationship between humans and technology, as well as the ethics of using such advanced machines in warfare.

Chakra and Jutsu from Naruto

Chakra and Jutsu are central elements of the anime and manga series “Naruto.” Chakra is an energy source within all living things that can be harnessed and manipulated by ninja to perform powerful techniques known as Jutsu. Jutsu can range from simple physical attacks to more complex abilities such as manipulation of the elements, healing, and even controlling the minds of others. In the series, characters must learn to control and manipulate their Chakra in order to become strong ninja. The concept of an energy source within all living things that can be harnessed for powerful abilities raises questions about the limits of human potential and the relationship between the physical and spiritual realms. Additionally, the idea of such energy-based abilities being used in a martial arts context is an interesting fusion of physical and spiritual power.

Devil Fruits from One Piece

Devil Fruits are fictional fruits from the anime and manga series “One Piece.” They grant the person who eats them unique abilities, but also takes away their ability to swim. In the series, Devil Fruits are highly sought after for their abilities, and those who eat them are known as Devil Fruit users. The abilities granted by Devil Fruits range from simple physical enhancements to more complex abilities such as the ability to control fire, ice, or sound. The concept of a fruit that grants special abilities is an interesting one, and the idea of such abilities being both a blessing and a curse raises questions about the consequences of power and the cost of obtaining it. Additionally, the idea of there being a variety of Devil Fruits with different abilities creates a rich and diverse world with many potential applications.

ESPer abilities from A Certain Magical Index

ESPer abilities are psychic powers from the light novel, manga, and anime series “A Certain Magical Index.” In the series, some individuals are born with the ability to use their brain to perform superhuman feats, such as telekinesis, precognition, and mind reading. The abilities are referred to as “ESPer abilities.” In the series, the existence of ESPers has far-reaching consequences, leading to conflicts between those with and without the abilities, as well as between different groups of ESPers with different ideologies. The concept of psychic powers raises questions about the limits of human potential and the role of the mind in shaping the world. Additionally, the idea of psychic abilities being both a source of power and a cause of conflict adds a layer of complexity to the series’ world-building.

Alchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist

Alchemy is a fictional practice from the anime and manga series “Fullmetal Alchemist.” It is a science based on the principle of equivalent exchange, which states that in order to obtain something, something of equal value must be given in return. Through the use of alchemical reactions, practitioners of alchemy can transmute matter, creating new substances and changing the properties of existing ones. In the series, alchemy is used for a wide range of purposes, from simple tasks such as repairing objects to more complex applications such as healing the sick and creating new life forms. The concept of a science that allows the transmutation of matter is an intriguing one, and the idea of equivalent exchange raises questions about the balance between creation and destruction, as well as the cost of obtaining power. Additionally, the idea of alchemy as a science with practical applications adds a level of realism to the series

Quincy Arrows from Bleach

Quincy Arrows are energy arrows from the anime and manga series “Bleach.” They are used by the Quincy, a group of humans with the ability to manipulate spiritual energy. In the series, Quincy Arrows are created by gathering and condensing spiritual energy into a physical form, which can then be fired as an arrow. The Quincy Arrows are powerful and versatile weapons, capable of causing significant damage to spiritual beings, such as spirits and hollows. The concept of energy arrows adds a unique dimension to the series’ combat and creates new possibilities for battles between spiritual beings. Additionally, the idea of humans being able to manipulate spiritual energy in this way raises questions about the relationship between the physical and spiritual realms.

Magic from Fate/Stay Night.

Magic is a fictional practice from the visual novel, anime, and manga series “Fate/Stay Night.” It is a powerful and varied ability that allows individuals to perform supernatural feats. In the series, magic is performed through incantations and the use of magical energy. The abilities granted by magic can range from simple physical enhancements to more complex abilities such as time manipulation, teleportation, and mind control. The concept of magic as a powerful and versatile ability creates a rich and diverse world with many potential applications. Additionally, the idea of magic being performed through incantations and the use of magical energy adds a level of ritual and mystery to the series’ world-building. The existence of magic in the series also raises questions about the limits of human potential and the role of the supernatural in shaping the world.

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