Words that Start with DE And Commonly Used words

Words that Start with DE

Last Updated on April 8, 2024 by Team Experts

Words are the building blocks of communication, and the English language offers a vast array of words to express our thoughts and ideas. In this article, we will explore the world of words, scrambled and commonly used words starting with “De.”

some commonly used words start with De

DecideMake a choice or reach a conclusion
DefinitionA statement of the meaning of a word or concept
DeliverBring goods or services to a destination
DemandA request or requirement for something
DenyRefuse to admit or accept something
DepositPut or place something in a specific location
DevelopGrow or cause to grow and become more advanced
DeviceA tool or machine designed for a specific purpose
DestroyCause great damage to or ruin completely
DetermineEstablish or ascertain something conclusively
DetailAn individual feature or element of something
DetectDiscover or identify the presence of something
DevelopElaborate or expand on a particular idea or topic
DifferentNot the same as another or each other
DigestBreak down and absorb food or information
DirectGive clear and precise instructions or guidance
DiscoverFind something unexpectedly or by chance
DiscussTalk about something in order to reach a decision
DivideSeparate or be separated into parts or groups
DocumentA written, printed, or electronic record

3 letter words start with De

DenA secluded or private room or area
DebA formal discussion or debate
DewTiny droplets of water that form on surfaces
DexA brand name for a type of dextromethorphan
DelAn operator used in computer programming
DevShort for “developer” or “development”
DenA small and cozy living space
DebShort for “debt” or “debut”
DewTo wet with condensation or moisture
DexA dexterity-based attribute in role-playing games

4 letter words start with De

DealAn agreement or arrangement
DeanThe head of a college or university faculty
DebtAn obligation to pay money or something owed
DeckA platform or surface typically outdoors
DemoShort for “demonstration”
DenyRefuse to admit or accept something
DeskA piece of furniture with a writing surface
DextShort for “dextrose,” a type of sugar
DazeTo stun or bewilder
DeedA legal document conveying ownership

5 letter words start with De

DeltaThe fourth letter of the Greek alphabet
DebugIdentify and remove errors from a computer program or system
DecorThe style or arrangement of interior decoration
DebitAn entry recording money owed or paid
DenseClosely compacted or crowded
DemonAn evil supernatural being or entity
DelayPostpone or cause to be late
DeluxeOf a superior kind or quality
DeterDiscourage or prevent from acting
DeityA god or goddess

6 letter words starting with De

DebateA formal discussion or argument
DecideMake a choice or reach a conclusion
DefineState or describe the exact meaning of something
DemandA request or requirement for something
DenialThe act of refusing or rejecting something
DeputyA person appointed to act on behalf of another
DesignPlan or create with a specific purpose or intention
DegreeA unit of measurement or an academic qualification
DeleteRemove or erase something
DemandA need or desire for a particular product or service

7 letter words start with De

DefaultFailure to fulfill an obligation or meet a requirement
DeliverBring goods or services to a destination
DefenseProtection against harm or danger
DepictRepresent or portray in art or words
DepositPut or place something in a specific location
DesireA strong feeling of wanting or wishing for something
DevelopGrow or cause to grow and become more advanced
DiamondA precious gemstone made of crystallized carbon
DiplomaAn official document awarded for completing a course
DiscussTalk about something in order to reach a decision

8 letter words start with De

DecisionA choice or conclusion reached after consideration or debate
DangerousInvolving potential harm, risk, or threat
DetectiveA person who investigates and solves crimes
DepartureThe action of leaving a place or starting a journey
DeadlineThe latest time or date by which something should be completed
DecisiveSettling an issue or producing a definite result
DedicatedDevoted to a particular purpose or cause
DetectionThe act or process of identifying or discovering something
DeliciousVery pleasant or enjoyable to taste or smell
DefendantA person accused or sued in a court of law

Here are some scrambled words with De

  1. Edd
  2. Dee
  3. Ed
  4. Deed
  5. Did
  6. Dye
  7. End
  8. Den
  9. Red
  10. Odd

Here are some commonly used words start with De

  1. Decide
  2. Definition
  3. Deliver
  4. Demand
  5. Deny
  6. Deposit
  7. Develop
  8. Device
  9. Destroy
  10. Determine
  11. Detail
  12. Detect
  13. Develop
  14. Different
  15. Digest
  16. Direct
  17. Discover
  18. Discuss
  19. Divide
  20. Document

Read more: How to Expand Your Vocabulary With Jumble Words

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Erin Lane is a creative writer and lifestyle blogger from Canberra, Australia. She is a hard-working, organized, dedicated professional interested in learning new things. With over six years of experience in writing, Erin has covered numerous topics, including health, tech, fashion, fitness, makeup, home improvement, decoration, business, and finances. Erin is an active person who enjoys nature and traveling. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram

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