Where Can You Make the Most of Digital Display Systems?

As digital signage and billboards have become easier and more affordable to use, more businesses and organizations are beginning to use them. From advertising agencies to commercial landlords, retailers to healthcare organizations, there is a growing list of industries that can benefit from digital display systems.

Whether or not it’s worth the investment depends not just on your goals and expectations but on what you get out of the hardware and the service offered by a digital signage company.

What Should You Look for in Digital Displays?

Today, you can either buy or rent digital signage, depending on your needs. They can add a dynamic, engaging element to pop-up events and festivals, or they can become permanent wayfinding or advertising solutions.

Look for a portable digital display system and easy-to-install digital signage for one-off events, brand activations, and outdoor use. You no longer need to rely on expensive, cumbersome set-ups to use digital displays. Plug-and-play solutions make digital displays easier and more cost-effective to rent on a temporary basis.

The software also plays an important role in your digital display selection. Depending on the experience you’re looking to create or the problem you need to solve, you might also look for self-service with payment processing options, gamification experiences, or Augmented Reality capabilities.

Indoor vs. Outdoor

Digital displays today are just as useful outdoors as inside, thanks to tougher hardware. Outdoor digital billboards are a great way to expand your digital campaign into out-of-home advertising. Dynamic visuals and sensor technology have changed the billboard game.

They’re more attention-grabbing and can even display ads customized to match anonymous data collected from nearby phones, similar to how digital advertising can target search histories.

Outdoor displays don’t have to be permanent, either. They’re increasingly found at outdoor events such as brand activations and festivals where they can create interactive engagements or provide sponsorship fulfillment for event organizers.

Mobile integration and self-order kiosks are a way for brick-and-mortar retailers to bring the convenience and familiarity of online shopping in-store, combining the best of both worlds. Searchable inventories on touchscreen kiosks can save customers time and spare space on the floor.

Advertising vs. Wayfinding

For commercial and residential property managers, healthcare or education institutions, stadium and venue owners, and other building owners, digital displays offer a new kind of flexibility to switch between advertising and wayfinding.

Digital displays facilitate the monetization of a wide range of environments without complex installations. The display space can become a valuable revenue tool, and with advanced content management systems, operators have enhanced control over any content they display on their digital sign directly from their desktop or mobile device. It’s an opportunity for hyper-local monetization that can make the most out of your signage.

Digital signage also allows property or venue managers to balance monetization with wayfinding needs. Signs used for event wayfinding can be monetized in-between events. Commercial property managers can also use interactive wayfinding solutions to help elevate the visitor experience.

Digital displays are easier to install and more flexible than ever. Multi-purpose, interactive, and available for both indoor and outdoor use, they can help improve visitor experiences, monetize environments, improve your out-of-home advertising campaigns, and more.


She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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