6 Types of Digital Marketing Campaigns You Must Know

With the recent technological advancement, digital marketing has become the most significant part of marketing a brand these days. However, this isn’t the beginning of digital marketing. The ways of digital marketing campaigns, marketing a brand have changed long back. The traditional marketing methods became insignificant over time, and a better substitute has taken its place. 

With the core business operations, digital marketing is also an essential part of achieving potential business growth. Especially, after the coronavirus outbreaks, businesses have become more reliant than ever on their digital marketing strategies. The tastes and choices of consumers have changed a lot. So, in such circumstances, digital marketing methods can be the best way to assure consistent growth for your business. 

There are various digital marketing methods that can help your business to grow at a faster rate.

Let’s discuss the most effective methods of modern digital marketing!

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is one of the most effective methods of online marketing. These days, people are more likely to search for their desired products or services through search engines like Google or Bing. The search process mainly depends on keywords. So, if you can prepare your contents SEO optimized, this isn’t hard to organically secure the place in the SERP. 

With this effective method, online marketers can easily grab the target audience to market the products or services they offer. The best part of SEO is that it’s a free marketing method. However, creating SEO optimized content isn’t easy at all. It requires adequate skills in creating good content and knowledge of Algorithms.

So, considering all these criteria, if you can produce SEO optimized quality content, you can get the top position in the SERP and secure your position for a longer duration without bearing any expenses. 

PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

An additional choice is to opt for PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising on giant search engines like Google or Bing. However, this method of digital marketing isn’t free of cost. It’s a paid advertisement. As long as you’re ready to pay the costs, your content will rank on the top of the SERP. 

However, once you stop paying the charges for running a PPC campaign, your content will instantly lose its position in the SERP. This can be an extraordinary method for gaining instant visibility to the audience, but not effective in the long run. 

However, if you wish to get instant promotion of your brand, PPC works best to boost your brand visibility in no time. So, ensure you really do adequate researches on the PPC campaign before you finally consider it for your brand promotion.

Content Marketing

Content marketing has now turned into a trendy method of attracting your target audience to your business. It is one of the best online marketing methods to get desired traffic through the most appealing content. Getting maximum traffic increases the probability of a better conversion ratio and helps you to earn desired revenues.

There is a wide assortment of content like web blogs, social media posts, visual content and much more to choose from. You can consider any available content that goes well with your business. However, it would be best to keep in mind that using the right keywords and maintaining the proper density is the key to effective content marketing.

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

SMM is the most common way of utilizing popular online platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for generating new leads and making good deals for your business. The motive of SMM is to make convincing contents that will stand out and urge the potential consumers to share the content with their known ones. 

This kind of online advertising can be exceptionally effective if done accurately. However, opting for an SMM campaign depends on several factors. You should know about the tastes, choices of your audience. Moreover, if you’re not aware of the demographics of your target audience, the SSM campaign may not provide you with desired outcomes.

Affiliate Marketing

These days, Affiliate marketing has become immensely popular among the other digital marketing methods. Affiliate marketing works as a connector between the consumers and business organizations. This marketing strategy is also known as influencer marketing.

The way affiliate marketing works is very simple and effective. Modern digital marketing agency uses industry experts or social media influencers for marketing their products or services. Working with third party influencers can help you get potential consumers and businesses in less time. 

For example, you wish to market your brand through several online channels like social media. But, you may not have plenty of existing followers on your business page. So, trying this method won’t be effective as you’ll not get connected with the maximum audience. 

However, you can make paid deals with industry experts or social media influencers who have a lot of followers on several online platforms. 

Publishing content by industry experts will help you in multiple ways. First, your business will reach the maximum audience in less time. Second, using influencers will enhance the trustworthiness of your brand. Third, your business page may get a huge number of new followers effortlessly. So, this course of action will ultimately benefit your business in several ways. 

Email Marketing

Email advertising is the most common way of sending designated messages to your target consumers. Email marketing aims to attract your target consumers to purchase your products or offered services. You can offer them various discounts or special add on services through emails. 

This sort of digital marketing campaign can be extremely effective if done accurately. However, you should keep in mind that sending excessive emails can be disturbing for many people. Therefore, preparing a proper plan is indeed necessary so that your target consumers don’t think of unsubscribing your emails.


Well, the world of modern digital marketing strategies is endless. There are numerous strategies people are relying on to get the best benefits. The mentioned digital marketing methods aren’t the ultimate strategies for helping your business to grow. However, the most effective for achieving consistent business growth!


She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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