Turmeric’s History and Its Importance in Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine

Last Updated on June 24, 2024 by Team Experts

Recently, the outrage regarding turmeric only seems to increase due to its multiple benefits. Turmeric is not only ‘jack of all, but also the master of all. Its numerous health benefits have pushed many people to add it into their daily routine.  

The realm of turmeric has been ongoing for more than 5000 years, with more than 7000 studies confirming its health claims. For many years, turmeric has been a part of religious ceremonies, beauty products, nutrient-dense food, medicine, etc. 

Nowadays, turmeric is available in many forms such as power, supplements, teas, etc. This article will be resourceful if you are still unaware of turmeric’s magical benefits and key properties. Let’s jump right in and discuss turmeric and its magical properties! 

The Origination of Turmeric 

Turmeric’s popularity dates back to more than 5000 years, when people in Asia, especially India, would consume it religiously. It was also called a healing herb to help combat medical conditions and stop bleeding. People still to this day use turmeric on open wounds and cuts to stop bleeding. 

People in India swear by turmeric and its impeccable properties to cure various illnesses. The concept of Ayurveda is quite popular in India. People much prefer herbal medicines over anything for more organic healing. 

Due to its health benefits, turmeric has been a key ingredient in ayurvedic and herbal medicines. From healing open wounds to arthritis to enhancing immunity, turmeric shows promising results in all categories.  

People in South China and India prefer turmeric in their foods to enhance flavor and keep their health strong. It has astonishing properties to boost immunity, eliminate fatigue, and eliminate bacterial infection. Hence, after more than 5000 years, turmeric still holds its influential position in the herbal and ayurvedic world. 

Why is Turmeric A Part of Herbal Medicines? 

Turmeric is a part of many herbal medicines, and it is one of the highlighted ingredients. In India and Asia, people strongly believe in the healing power of turmeric. Hence, in most medicines, wound healing ointments, beauty products, and even foods, you will find it. Here are some key factors that make it a promising ingredient: 

  • Immunity Booster 

Turmeric is enriched with a strong antioxidant, curcumin which makes it even more effective. Various experiments and studies indicate turmeric’s effectiveness in fighting bacterial infections, viral infections, coughs, colds, and seasonal fevers. 

Hence, experts recommend people to have raw turmeric in their smoothies in peak viral season to avoid issues. Turmeric supplement benefits are numerous as they keep you from falling ill. Hence, you must try out turmeric if you have a weak immune system. 

  • Fighting Free Radicals 

Every day, we are exposed to many free radicals and pollutants that act as a slow poison for our bodies. We can’t do much to eliminate free radicals from our environment, but we can take steps to mitigate them from our bodies.  

Turmeric has a curcumin substance; it helps eliminate oxidative stress that can slowly damage our organs. Curcumin is rich in antioxidants which help increase enzyme activity in our body. You will notice a spike in your energy and feel refreshed with regular use. 

  • Stops Bleeding 

People would make a turmeric paste in ancient times and apply it to bleeding wounds. Turmeric does not only stop bleeding but is also known to fasten the healing process. On the other hand, it works magically to reduce pain and eliminate fatigue. 

If you want to heal your wound and eliminate marks left behind, using turmeric paste is a must. It has antibacterial properties that keep the wound from getting infected. The potent antioxidants work to heal the wound faster without leaving behind any traces. 

  • Antibacterial Properties/ Reducing Pain 

One of the best properties of turmeric, which makes it a part of many herbal medicines, is its antibacterial properties. People from ancient times did not have elaborate medicines developed in labs to combat bacterial infections. 

Turmeric would prove to be a lifesaver in those times due to its antibacterial properties. People dealing with chronic pain such as arthritis would dip their joints in hot water mixed with turmeric to relieve pain. 

  • Improves Gut Health 

Gut health is crucial to make you feel good and full of energy. When your gut health is down the ditch, you feel sick and irritated. Turmeric is rich in curcumin, which helps in speeding up the metabolic rate and healing the gut lining. It helps balance acidic levels within your stomach to promote a favorable environment for digestion. 

Turmeric balances out the enzyme activity in your stomach for optimal acid production, nutrient absorption, and muscle movement. It regulates your bowel movement, reducing constipation and fighting irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). 

What is the Best Way to Have Turmeric? 

You will find many turmeric supplements in the market which work effectively to improve your overall health. However, taking herbal and organic supplements is always a better option. Best turmeric supplement with black pepper is great to help with better nutrient absorption. 

If you don’t want turmeric supplements, you can always have them in their raw form. Try adding powdered turmeric to your foods or raw ones in your smoothies. Raw turmeric in green juice is always more beneficial. 


The benefits of turmeric date back more than 5000 years, and still, to this day, it works miraculously. You won’t be disappointed to add turmeric to your diet as it would only do you good. It is the tried and tested way to boost immunity and fight many potential illnesses. Give it a go! 

Read more: What is Physiotherapy and Why and When do Need to go Through With it

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