Tag iot

How IoT Makes HVAC into Smart and Energy-Efficient Systems


Mitsubishi aircon servicing in Singapore can be crucial in optimizing energy usage in commercial buildings. These structures account for 40% of the world’s energy consumption, with the HVAC systems responsible for 60-70% of their energy usage alone. However, inefficient operations…

How to Build a Successful IoT Startup

While launching a venture, entrepreneurs must clearly articulate their offering. Many investors invest in the founder of a startup, so the inability to emphasize the interconnectedness of your product may leave a wrong impression and kill follow-up meetings. A strong…

How Small Businesses Can Take Benefit of IoT

Over the last few years, the term, IoT (Internet of Things), has become a catchphrase in the business industry, especially the Tech part of it. Most organizations, whether a start-up or a long-playing one, are nowadays looking for ways and…

IoT devices (Internet of Things devices)

IoT devices are non-standard computing devices that can connect wirelessly to a network and transmit data. Like many Internet of Things (IoT) devices. IoT involves extending your internet connection beyond standard devices, such as desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, to…

IoT Applications in Retail – IoT in Retail

Now that we have presented the key capabilities of IoT, it is time to look at the most effective and popular examples of IoT in retail. Here are some of them: Location tracking The Internet of Things solves one of…

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