5 Tips to Easily Speed up Home Internet Connection

Speed up Home Internet Connection

Last Updated on June 20, 2024 by Team Experts

Speed up Home Internet Connection: The Internet is possibly the change that the world needs, and having access to such change opens up new possibilities and new doors for a better future. The Internet unimaginably connects us. Be it a soldier contacting his family overseas, or be it someone watching international entertainment with only a few clicks, or be it someone stifling through articles to boost their Internet connection.

Having survived through the pandemic with nothing but the access to unlimited internet keeping you going while in the comfort of your own home, the title seems like such a bargain because most of us are now aware of how essential it is and how much easier life is with it. The moment we read easily, speed up your connection. All that we envision is double the current speed. This article could guide you to achieve that, but it is merely a means for boosting your current speed.

The internet has progressed the world so that we have access to everything and anything through it. But now that all of us are accessing the internet at home, it’s tough to be content with the speed. Internetprivatsphare spreads the awareness of digital privacy.

Well, here are five such tips that could easily speed up your internet connection:

1.    Imprisoned – 

Placement of your router makes a much bigger difference than one could comprehend. Keeping your router in a closed space causes the router to throw out a frequency much less than its capacity. Instead, keep it in an open space where the router can give a much better and stronger signal. Even better if the router could be placed at a height that is accessible but still above eye level. After this, you won’t have to stretch your arms in the router’s direction when you have only one bar worth of connection and zero access to the actual internet.

2.     Storage optimization- 

Unused applications in your phone take up useful speed for unnecessary updates and whatnot. Like Diwali Safari, which happens once annually, you should clear out such applications from your phones and laptops once every two months. Not only does it create more space, but it also helps your phone and the internet connection to work more efficiently. Also, close tabs that you are currently not using. That way, the internet isn’t used to load those pages, and the page that you are currently browsing gets the required connection to transform from the dinosaur game to the actual page. Another option would be restricting a few apps to background data to not require the internet unless you need to use it.

3. Get it out of the Kitchen! – 

Kitchen appliances such as the Microwave, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, OTG, and so on give out the same frequency as your Wifi router. This causes the signal from the wifi router to be disrupted, and that results in us staring at the loading sign for quite a while, and no, locking and unlocking your phone won’t make much of a difference. So if your router is near or in the Kitchen, get it out of there.

4. Update and Upgrade- 

Constantly updating your devices will help your system to fix any bugs and run more smoothly, which will, in turn, boost your speed. It is recommended to do so to ensure smooth functioning. Constantly upgrading your password of the wifi router ensures that no one will be misusing your connection. And you can cut off the freeloaders by changing the password (pun intended). Use ad-blockers apps. That way, you will not only view ads, but your internet speed gets a boost too.

5. Clickbaited- 

There are numerous videos and articles that “promise/guarantee” you double the internet speed. Don’t be victims of such shams. All of those tips can ensure that you utilize your wifi speed properly, and once all these tips are followed, you get a boost of speed that you didn’t realize your internet connection already had because all these mistakes are so common they are the new norm. The only person or company who can double your internet speed is the internet provider guy.

Bonus Tip: 

An application called “Open Signal Strength” helps you to check your internet speed, downloading speed, and where you could get the strongest connection that has access to the internet. That way, not only can you cross-check your speed and access points, but you can also ensure you are getting your money’s worth when you opt for services that provide a home internet connection. You can know about the router login details by this fantastic read.

Boosting your home internet connection speed may be easier with these tips that you now have access to them through the internet. If anything that 2020 has left us with is that we don’t need to leave our house to earn a living, it is possible with the right opportunities and a good internet speed. All that we could hope for you after you have read these tips is that you have read them before others have. Happy browsing!  By gizlilikveguvenlik, make the right buying decision so you can enjoy internet freedom and online security.

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