10 Tips for Preventing and Repairing Water Damage in Your Home

Repairing Water Damage

Last Updated on July 11, 2024 by Team Experts

Water damage is one of those problems that can be avoided if you are just a little bit aware. Damage can be caused by a natural disaster or an internal breakdown. It is dependent on where the water enters and where it flows within a property that determines the level of water damage. The public insurance adjuster will help you to claim insurance for your damaged property so that you can get the maximum amount for your property damages. Every year Americans waste a lot of money on something that can be minimized just by following certain steps. To understand water damage, we must first understand what causes it.

Reasons for water damage: 

  • Leaked pipe
  • Humidity 
  • Clogged sewages
  • Extreme weathers
  • Natural disasters
  • Water supply line leak
  • Malfunction in sprinkler system etc. 

Water damage can be prevented and repaired by just following these steps: 

Locating the damage source

Locating the source of water damage is the most important thing you can do. The remedies are different for different types of water damage. For example, water damage due to rain can be stopped by DIY techniques, however, a clogged drain is a much bigger cause of concern. At any given time there are 3 types of water flowing through a house. They are clean water( water from the supply, rain, etc.), gray water (water from appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers), and black water(contaminated waters from toilets, sewage, etc.). 

Water damage from clean water is something you can combat on your own in some cases except for a leak in the water supply pipes. On the other hand, for gray and black water damage you should call an expert plumber for your and your family’s safety. 

Dry, dry, dry 

Drying is the ultimate quest against water damage. Use everything in your power to suck out water from water-damaged surfaces. You can use towels, clothes, paper or anything. You can also use blowers or vacuums on a wet area to dry them off. Take your water-damaged items and leave them outside under the sun. Take damp clothes, furniture, and any other thing that can be carried outside and let them dry under the sun. The sun is the ultimate dryer and it’s free. 

In certain cases, you will need help from a plumber. Since having industrial pumps and blowers they will dry off any property quickly and efficiently or you can seek help from a professional water damage restoration company for the best and fast work.

Look out for the moisture

Moisture is the hidden enemy to look out for. If it’s not delta, it will destroy the structural integrity of your property by slowly damping the walls, ceilings, and floors. You can use a  dehumidifier all the time if you live in a high moisture area. But a quick thing to remember is the regular usage of dehumidifiers is rather discouraged because it will cause health problems. 

Even if there is a case of water damage you should contact a professional water damage service company. They will come and adjust the humidity of the property through their high-end dehumidifiers. 

Find the mold

Finding mold growth and its source is a must. Mold growth can happen anywhere. You should check every visible and hidden area in your property for possible mold growth. If given enough time mold growth can cover your entire property. Despite that, it only takes 24 hours for mold growth to occur, which is nothing really. Mold is toxic for humans. Try using a mold prevention chemical in your property and always use non-toxic chemicals to kill off mold growth. You can also use a scraper to get rid of molds manually. 

Remove drywalls and porous materials

Remove any porous water damage material immediately and check its condition. Prolonged water damage will make it unrepairable in most cases. However, if you dry them off as soon as the water damage starts you may be able to save them. Porous materials include carpets, walls, wood, etc. 

Sanitize your property

Water damage encourages the growth of deadly microbes. This is why you must sanitize your entire property after water damage. Sanitizing is very easy. Use a good brand of non-toxic sanitizer, follow the instructions and spray it all over your property. This is a necessary step for your health and your family’s

Inspect everything

An easier trick to minimize water damage is to go through a thorough inspection. It means that you should check everything from the basement to the closet to find signs of water damage. Be sure to check the appliances and pipes for possible damage symptoms. You can always hire a professional detection service to be 100% sure. 

Professional plumbers use video inspection cameras, ultrasonic waves, and other technologies to find water damage from the root. 

Seal where necessary

A good preventative measure is to seal everything possible. Seal pipes, windows, flooring, doorways, etc. to avoid water damage. 

Think about the floors 

If your floor is water damaged, consider a replacement. Most of the time simple repair does not do the jobs with floors. If you live in a high humid area go for waterproof materials instead of regular woods. This will save both your time and money. 

Contact your insurance company 

There is some water damage you just cannot tackle on your own. In such cases, contact your insurance company and find out your options. Working with your insurance company will ensure that your property is safe, secure, and clean. 

If you are looking for the best water damage anaheim team you can check EZ leak detection’s website. The offers and the services are the best in Anaheim. Get the water damage restoration in Anaheim at an affordable rate with EZ leak detection. 

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