Remote working trends are what is predicting the future of how employees work from home. Looking back at 2021, it has been an exciting year for remote workers. Digital transformation has taken a big step, simplifying remote work procedures and everyday lives in many ways.
Remote work culture is the ultimate requirement. Remote work situations demand proper infrastructure, upgraded technology and dynamic management to help employees work productively. No matter what business industry you are managing, the influence of technology has become bigger than ever in a remote working environment. The use of the latest technology has helped businesses to manage business and monitor work from home employees effortlessly.
Here are the top 5 remote working trends to keep the remote employees happy and productive.
- Flexible work will be indispensable: Since 2015, the number of remote work has increased by 140% which is approximately 10 times higher than all other work arrangements. The dramatic increase in remote work during covid pandemic has made companies come up with various work from home policies to make it easier for employees to work comfortably yet efficiently. The concept of 9 to 5 working hours doesn’t work equally for remote employees. Rather long working hours in remote work environments has led to stress and caused employee burnout. Allowing employees to maintain a flexible work schedule has helped businesses to keep employees happy, efficient and productive. As a business owner, you need to look at how to offer flexible working hours for your employees which suits business needs as well as theirs. You have to set policies in which employees do not get the chance to exploit the advantage of flexible working hours. No matter how much you allow your employees to enjoy flexible hours, also make sure the business is getting the highest benefit out of it.
- Demand for Cloud Communication tools: A perfect blend of communication and collaboration are two of best practices to manage any remote work situation. As employees have fewer opportunities for physical interaction, it is crucial for businesses to recreate a digital version of water cooler to initiate flawless discussion, team bonding and overall collaboration. It is important for businesses to use essential communication tools which will help large groups of remote teams to communicate individually as well as together. The goal of using advanced communication tools is to make remote employees feel like they are a part of the running business to build trust and confidence with one another. You can use business communication tools like Zoom, Slack, Skype, Microsoft teams as per your business needs to keep the communication pace effortless. When it comes to communicating with customers or business partners, Broadvoice’s cloud PBX solution is an excellent choice. Cloud technology has largely replaced on-premises phones, making communication and collaboration much easier.

- Demand for monitoring work from home employees: The demand for monitoring work from home employees software is rising increasing with the number of remote works. As more and more employees are working from home and remote work is now a permanent fact, many businesses are shifting to remote employee monitoring software to monitor and track employees’ work activities. The use of monitoring software gives complete end-to-end visibility to business owners and let them know how long an employee worked and how productive they were while they were working. This information is vital for businesses who have a remote team. This data helps companies to make much better decisions and work effectively with the whole team knowing who are their most efficient employees.
- Rise of no-code platforms: The trend of no-code platforms has accelerated over the past few years. In 2017, Forbes has classified no-code platforms as extraordinarily disruptive, the demand for no-code platform application has nearly increased from 30% from 2020 to 2021 reaching $5.8 billion. No-code platforms are helping businesses to quickly create and deploy essential enterprise applications without hiring a team of developers. The ease of no-code platform is allowing businesses to simply create their desired app by using drag and drop feature at much lower cost.
- The use of Cloud will become paramount: The Cloud will play a highly important role in remote work in 2022 and the years to come. Businesses will move everything to the Cloud which can be moved. For remote teams it is easier for them to work with multiple teams if everything is kept saved in Cloud. Cloud environment allows employees to access important files or documents in a matter of seconds and work on them together with co-workers from different locations. It allows employees from different time zones to access the file without any hassle and work as per their requirement.
It is now clear that remote work is the future of work and this will continue in 2022 and beyond. Instead of thinking of bringing employees back to office, businesses should modify their work from home policies and enhance their capabilities to use remote work environments to their advantage. We have discussed a few vital remote work trends of 2022 and there are many more. It is upto you to prepare your business for the future and to do so effectively there is no alternative of having a team of efficient remote professionals who know how to work productively.
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