Free Printable Business Letterhead Templates

Letterhead Templates

Last Updated on October 1, 2023 by Team Experts

A business letterhead is defined as a printed heading appearing on a company’s stationery. Some important parts of letterhead are the business’s name, address, and also logo design which are usually pre-printed to appear on several documents, including letters, memos, Faq(s), and notes. Now that the company letterhead includes its logo and other images, it not only makes all business correspondence look professional and consistent but also serves as a major branding tool. Official letterheads templates make it easy for the associates to contact the particular company easily in the future and also are a great way to create a good formal impression on stakeholders. 

Now that letterhead is important for branding and marketing the business, you will want to make sure that your letterhead gets spotted from the outset. You will be glad to know that the letterheads can be created by you or your in-house team without any professional help. 

Here, we have provided some free letterhead templates that can be downloaded and taken as a base to create your professional letterheads. 

#1. Small business letterhead

When running a small business, flashy letterheads might feel like overkill. Therefore, in this case, it is better to opt for a simple design and effectively use the available space. Although traditional designs put letterhead at the top, it is not mandatory to follow the same design. For example, a letterhead template places the company’s name on the side for branding purposes and also allows room on the main page to fit additional information when required. 

#2. Food and drinks letterhead

A business working in the hospitality industry could do with a little embellishing. You can use special effects and images to let people know what all your business is about. For instance, if you have just opened a restaurant, you can use a watermark image of folk and a knife to make the letterhead an attractive one. 

#3. Corporate letterhead

One way that can be used to create a good business letterhead is to turn up the contrast by using professional colors such as black and white, navy blue and silver, or blue and green. These contrasting professional colors will give the company letterhead template a professional look. You can try pairing few-high contrast colors with your business logo to figure out the best combination. 

#4. Professional service letterhead

If you are not able to figure out what kind of letterhead to use, you can always go for a simple and professional template design. This way your targeted audience will not be distracted from the contents of the document. One way you can achieve simplicity is by limiting accent colors to the top and bottom of the document. Also, keep in mind to use two or three colors for keeping the letterhead simple.

#5. Graphic designer letterhead

Usually, the letterhead templates that artistic professionals prefer are the ones that add a touch of uniqueness by focusing on typography. You can play with fonts and mix your typefaces so that an attractive design relaying a good impression can be created. 

#6. Healthcare letterhead

When designing a letterhead for a healthcare unit, make sure to use colors sparingly because they draw attention to them and away from the necessary details as mentioned in the document. Now that it is essential for healthcare organizations to keep their audience calm, it is always better to use soothing colors and fonts for the letterheads. 

#7. Real estate letterhead

Businesses dealing in real estate might want to include company details along with the company logo on their letterheads. This is natural because a real estate company deals with different types of properties, some new and others old, some for sale and others for rent. Also, you want to specify locations, contact information, and socials. 

#8. Academic letterhead

When designing an institutional letterhead, try a crest or badge that represents an organization. Build around it by using images and icons that appropriately capture the personality of a particular institution. 

#9. Finance and legal letterhead

A great way to make the letterhead template to contribute to the branding and marketing of your financial and legal services is to use meaningful imagery. For instance, if you are working in a law firm then a set of scales can be used to create the impression of justice. 

#10. Event planning and management

Now that event planning and management are related to the celebration of happy occasions, you should use a free letterhead template that brightens up the business letterhead. Use one or two bright accent colors, like red, pink, and purple that bring a cheerful mood to your customers. The reason for using such cheerful colors is that these color schemes are associated with courage, wisdom, love, vigor, and kindness. 

#11. Sports and fitness letterhead

When creating a sports and fitness letterhead, it is better to use hierarchy to communicate effectively. This implies arranging the information from the most important one to the least important details. First, you can add the name of the company, followed by the individual who is receiving the document, and end it with the sender’s signature. 

#12. Home improvement letterhead

Several letterhead examples have a watermark as an important part of the design. This makes sense since the watermark subtly draws attention to the brand and that too without cluttering the letterhead. For improved marketing, you can also opt for an online logo design to make the letterhead attractive. All you need to do is simply put some of the design images in the background as watermarks and also free up space for displaying more information. 

Final Thoughts

Having a simple yet attractive letterhead can make your business look professional and credible. Not only does it enhance business communication with all stakeholders, like clients, employees, and shareholders, but also improves brand awareness through indirect advertising and marketing. It is to be taken care of that you already have a logo design that can be used on your letter template. If not then you can consider hiring a professional logo maker after selecting one of these letterhead templates.

Read more: Easy Ways to Print an Instructional Booklet

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