Should you Outsource Mobile App Development for Business?

Outsource Mobile App Development

Last Updated on July 14, 2024 by Team Experts

Mobile apps have increasingly become an important factor in expanding business. Do you know why? A Statista report says that the current number of smartphone users in the world today is almost 6.378 billion. And it’s likely to reach about 7.516 billion by 2026.  A report says that people spend almost 90% of their mobile time using apps. That’s why building mobile apps is attracting most businesses to stay ahead of the competition.  Do you have some ideas to build an app for your business? If so, you might be interested in implementing them right away. And for that, you need a good mobile application development team. You can hire an in-house team or outsource it to a development company. 

However, outsourcing mobile application development will be a better idea than hiring an in-house team. Why so? Let’s find out the reasons below! 

Access to extensive experience

A reliable outsourcing company has experience in mobile app development for many years. You can check the reviews and the clientele they have worked with.

They are likely to have a better grasp of the app’s needs, major goals, and priority features. Besides, they know how to deal with frequent challenges with trending technologies.

A large talent pool

Developing mobile applications doesn’t mean you can hire developers only. But you need to hire business analysts, UI/UX designers, QA engineers, copywriters to make a successful product. 

Hiring a team of these experts can affect your budget and can be time-consuming too. 

By outsourcing, you can hire a wide talent pool for building your app. Most outsourced developers have experience with post-release maintenance too. For example, upgrading the software to new OS versions, bug patches, and so on. After the contract period ends, you won’t have to pay them, unlike in-house teams.

Risk management

Let’s say you have hired a new team for building mobile apps. But is it possible to know how they will do your project? Your in-house team may not be able to deliver on time or keep up to your expectations. So, there is always a high-risk factor associated with in-house teams. 

But in the case of outsourcing, you can check the portfolio of the development company. Make sure to check if they have completed projects earlier related to your business domain. 

If you’re happy with the company’s performance, go ahead and sign a contract. You can create an agreement that specifies the quality, timelines, fees, and acceptance conditions in detail. Therefore, outsourcing for developing mobile apps has minimal risks. 


Hiring in-house teams is expensive. You have to bear the recruitment costs. Besides, you have to pay for office infrastructure, various tools, and equipment for the project. If you calculate all these expenses, it would be a hefty amount. 

By outsourcing, you are paying for the service of developing mobile apps only. You won’t have to pay for maintaining infrastructure, buying tools, training, etc. Thereby, outsourcing can reduce your overall project costs by a substantial amount. 

Improvement in productivity of internal teams

Your internal team will focus on how to drive your business revenue. Their priority should not be developing mobile applications. Outsourcing can help your internal team to focus on core tasks. 

Meanwhile, you can keep a track of the progress of the app development. You can also check how many milestones have been achieved. 

Eventually, your project is likely to become more focused. And the speed of progress will be significantly faster. Do you know why? A dedicated and experienced application development team will focus entirely on accomplishing your dream. 

The bottom line is developing mobile apps is a time-consuming and hectic process. It requires expertise and experience at the same time. So, stay away from the hassles of recruiting and managing staff. Outsource the mobile application development of your business and unleash new opportunities. 

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