Here Are Some Concepts, Benefits and Drawbacks of Microlearning


Last Updated on June 24, 2024 by Team Experts

Microlearning is concerned with little learning units and activities that are completed in a short period of time. In e-learning and related subjects, the word refers to learning processes that take place in mediated settings. Microlearning is an all-encompassing approach to skill-based learning and education that focuses on tiny learning units. It entails short-term, goal-oriented procedures that are specifically developed for skill-based comprehension, learning, and education.

In this article, we will talk about the basic principles along with the advantages and disadvantages of microlearning. 

The Concepts Of Microlearning Mystery

Microlearning, like any other useful learning approach, is built on a few basic concepts. These lay the groundwork for structuring your microlearning strategy.

One learning Objective

Microlearning was created to provide targeted and concentrated learning that would assist learners in achieving a single learning goal or outcome. Design your microlearning solution so that it does not seem broad or ambiguous and addresses a specific training problem that the learner is experiencing. It should either supply fresh information about a topic or assess the learner’s understanding of the issue.

Quick & Requires Less Time 

The entire concept of microlearning revolves around courses that are brief and simple to obtain. In an hour or two, learners may finish a course with dozens of bite-sized components.

This helps students to effectively manage their time while still receiving all of the information they require.

This rapid pace allows students to adapt rapidly to changing company objectives. It also allows course creators to adapt to changing training demands as a company’s emphasis and requirements shift over time.

Multiplatform Learning

To supplement your training content, microlearning enables you to use podcasts, animated videos, films of subject-matter experts speaking, presentation slides, infographics, and audio snippets.

Convenient Access

All of the microlearning platforms are digital. This facilitates online access to the courses. Learners may study from their smartphones and tablets even if they are training remotely or on the go.

Regular eLearning courses can cover any subject that these courses can cover. Only in bite-sized chunks that can be accessed from anywhere and at any time.

Because mobile learning is portable, students have greater freedom to study at their own speed and in their own time. As a result, course adherence improves and stress decreases.

Spaced Learning

This is another principle of microlearning. Learning retention is a major issue that learning and development professionals are working to solve. You may increase learning retention and enrich the learning experience by including spaced learning and learning prompts into your microlearning solutions. Your learners will be able to overcome the “Forgetting Curve” with the aid of spaced learning. 

These principles made microlearning preferable in the eyes of students. Next in the article, we will talk about the benefits and drawbacks encountered so far. 

9 Benefits and Drawbacks of Microlearning

What are the benefits and drawbacks of microlearning? Let’s find out. 

The benefits

Let’s discuss the beneficial aspect of microlearning first. 

  1. Increase Engagement

Since microlearning involves different media platforms, it helps in engaging students’ attention. The attraction of new and different mediums ensures to hook their focus for a longer span of time. 

This multiple platform strategy comes divided into small portions that are easy to manage. It allows students to succeed in learning without feeling burdened or overwhelmed. 

The manageable portion of the content is the highlight feature of microlearning. It helps learners remain intact and focused in learning without feeling bored or distracted due to continuous repetition. 

  1. Enhances the Amount of Knowledge Retention

Microlearning strengthens the source material by providing enough space to the learners that they can easily understand and absorb new information. 

According to recent research, the learning procedure that is well-spaced helps a lot in knowledge retention as compared to the ones that are not. A calmer brain is more likely to save the information and recall it in times of need. 

  1. Increases On-the-Job Training

Courses based on microlearning help in improving the on-the-job training as they deliver the only information that the learner requires at the moment. A brilliant example would be in any new software you have installed. If you encounter an issue, you can simply click help and there you are with the walkthrough help video telling you how to resolve the issue. 

  1. Encourages Peer-based Learning

The online Information that is available does the best justice to sharing. It can be easily presented to as many people as you like. And due to this very reason, microlearning encourages peer-based learning allowing learners to exchange the information or course they have learned with their friends and family. 

  1. Allow Learners to Take-in Knowledge Easily and Quickly

Students following the microlearning approach are not bound to the stereotype boardroom settings. They can learn and engage with new information anywhere at any time. 

Convenient modules and varied platforms make it easier for learners to take-in information. They can easily focus more on topics that they think are more useful for them. 

The convenience of accessibility and self-direction directs towards enormous information retention and impressive returns. 

The Drawbacks

The benefit of microlearning is that it requires less attention from the learner. However, this benefit can also be a drawback. 

Now, let’s take a look at the drawbacks of microlearning. 

  1. Not a Great Pick for Complex Skills or Tasks

Microlearning is not a one-size-fits-all learning style. Complex subjects are usually too vast and complicated for microlearning courses. Since it requires less attention from the learner, students do not generally get attached to the content and lose focus even in a short piece of information.

The approach of microlearning is best suitable for light and easy subjects. For instance, “how-to” skills. 

  1. Impossible to Manage a Large Amount of Content

Microlearning is generally divided into small pieces of information. Although this is a benefit if the target topic is singular but if it is not, it may make the learner miss the in-depth understanding of the complex topic. Apart from this, learning too many topics through the microlearning approach can be impossible to manage for students. 

  1. Can Lack the Connection

Since microlearning is based on the fragmentation of information, there is always the risk of disconnection in learning. 

Without proper connection or structure, students may find it difficult to keep up with the topic and how the information and concepts are related. 

Some students might find it hard to see the overview of the concept and how each course is linked in it. This will not only cause confusion but also a lack of focus and attention. 

  1. Can Restrict the Availability of Information

More than half of the microlearning courses are technology dependable. If students do not have access to the internet or suitable gadgets, they can not access the information.

Also, students will not have the access to any extra information or human support to understand the difficult or confusing concept in a better way. If they get stuck on any topic, it can affect the whole learning process. 

These are the benefits and drawbacks known so far about the microlearning approach. If you are thinking about choosing microlearning as a way of study, you can consider these. If you are fine with the drawbacks, you are good to go. 

Some Examples of Microlearning

The concept of microlearning is introduced with the advancement of technology. Technology enables humans to access desired tasks in an easy way. If you are struggling with learning, the microlearning approach is there to help. And if you are struggling with writing, technology enables you to easily hire a writer like law essay writer UK. 

Here are some examples of microlearning. 

  1. Instructional Videos

One of the best examples of microlearning is through instructional videos. These videos can be uploaded on any desired platform. But the most go-to platform is youtube. Youtube does not require any charges and learners can access information at any time or anywhere. Not just this, they can also download these videos if necessary. 

Also, the platform of youtube allows learners to interact with the tutors through the comment section. This helps them understand and clarify their concepts. 

  1. Social Media

Social media platforms are a brilliant way to provide information through a micro-learning approach. Tutors get a chance to deliver a wide range of information in their preferred format. These formats include videos, images, and text. Not only do they engage learners’ attention but they also increase the rate of skill learning and knowledge retention. 

Social media platforms enable students to interact with tutors or trainers. Comment section and direct message facility help them understand concepts in a better way. 

  1. Microlearning Applications

Microlearning apps may appear to be a novel idea. However, you’ve probably come across a handful of the more popular ones, such as Duolingo and Word of the Day.

Gamification is used in these apps to break down training principles into enjoyable learning sessions. Learners can compete with one another and top leaderboards during these sessions. All while rapidly and effectively learning new skills and information.

Learners can download apps to their devices for convenient access at any time.

  1. Infographics

Infographics is a graphic design that helps in exhibiting the information. It is another useful example of microlearning as it helps the learners to remember and recall information efficiently. 

These infographics can be saved, shared, and printed as per the need allowing learners to grasp the concepts of information sufficiently. 

Also, these can be posted on different platforms to provide the message to all who need it. 

A Wrap-Up:

The strategy of microlearning is brilliant and can be used to improve the knowledge and concepts of thousands of learners at the same time. We hope our effort of taking all necessary information about microlearning on one page would help in clarifying your concepts. 

Happy learning students! 

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Erin Lane is a creative writer and lifestyle blogger from Canberra, Australia. She is a hard-working, organized, dedicated professional interested in learning new things. With over six years of experience in writing, Erin has covered numerous topics, including health, tech, fashion, fitness, makeup, home improvement, decoration, business, and finances. Erin is an active person who enjoys nature and traveling. Follow her on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram

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