Know How to Show off Babies with Clothes in a safe way!

Over 290,00 babies are born in Australia every year. While they don’t ask for a change of clothes or trendy, fashionable attires, parents love dressing up their babies. It has led to the boom of the Infants’ and Children’s Clothing Retailing Industry in Australia, which has a market size of 3.2 billion AUD. Dresses specially made for infants or children are known as baby dresses. These dresses are different for both girls and boys. Three significant factors should be before purchasing clothes for toddlers and even infants. The factors are convenience, comfort and safety. Babies will be happier, and they do not feel irritable; when they feel comfortable and can proceed around without any restrictions. It also helps parents be free from stress.

Know the Dos and Don’ts while dressing a baby.

Don’t display baby dresses with fancy outfits every day.

Babies are adorable, and no one would disagree on that. The idea to dress them with fancy outfits to show off is irresistible. But the fact is that most of those outfits are not practical. So it is just a waste of money and time to get them on and off for dipping them.

Preserve fancy clothes for special occasions.

Whenever there are important occasions or photoshoots use appealing attires. But always keep in mind to avoid outfits that have creased fabric or stiff lace, as it may damage the babies’ sensitive skin.

Utilize washable clothes every day

Babies are very messy in the first few years. It is best to have clothes that can be cleaned at 30 to 60 degrees Celsius. As parents or caregivers, they must wash the clothes very often, sometimes even daily.

Choose attires with press-stud

It is a known fact that babies do not know how to cooperate while getting dressed up. It is most convenient to use attires consisting of press-stud in place of buttons. The dresses should be neither tight nor loose. They should be perfect for the baby’s body.

Don’t waste precious time ironing the dresses.

One should not bother ironing the clothes or terry-towelling the jumpsuits or baby suits. It is best to simply fold them once they are dry or taken out of the dryer.

Don’t purchase booties.

Parents or caregivers need not stress about putting on booties or shoes until they learn to walk. It is a waste of the purchase until the age of 10 months when they know how to walk. Until then, they can use well-fitting pair of socks that are skid-free on the soles.

Now know about the different types of baby dresses that are available in the market

Baby Onesie

It is more or less like a t-shirt consisting of a crotch flap for easy access. It is also known as the baby clothing staple or bodysuit for babies. It has multiple uses. It can be the underneath clothing to keep the baby warm or be worn alone during summer. Different variations are flutter-sleeve, short-sleeve, sleeveless, long-sleeves, and kimono style (a robe with wide sleeves).

Baby coverall

These dresses have long-sleeves and long-legs that cover all with a press stud or a zip. The babies are comfortable wearing this during their sleep and play. It also consists of variant styles like short sleeves, footed or footless, kimono style, mitten cuffs, and shoulder buttons.

Wearable blankets

It is the warmest outfit to wear during sleep. Most of them look like t-shirts. They have two purposes depending on the age group. One is that it keeps the baby safe and warm, and the second one is that it can be used as a wearable drape for toddlers.


She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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