5 Things You Should Know Before You Book an Alcatraz Tour

Alcatraz Tour

Last Updated on July 25, 2024 by Team Experts

You must include an Alcatraz tour in your itinerary if you’re planning a trip to San Francisco. Alcatraz Island is well-known for its former use as a federal prison for the worst criminals in America. It is located about 1.25 miles from San Francisco Bay.

These four things you should know before you book an Alcatraz Tour:

1. You Must Purchase Tickets in Advance

When demand is high, Alcatraz tickets can sell out very fast, so if you’re thinking of going during the summer, be sure to order your tickets well in advance. The most affordable alternative is to purchase tickets directly from Alcatraz Cruises.

There are numerous options for tours, including day tours, evening tours, combo tickets that include both Alcatraz and Angel Island, and more. The next step is for you if it turns out that Alcatraz Cruises has sold out of tickets.

2. The Return Ferries Load Up Quickly!

Since you reserve a specified period, you have been assured a seat on the ferry to Alcatraz. On the way back, however, it is not the case. You are free to board whichever ferry you choose to return to San Francisco. However, you must give yourself plenty of time to travel down to the port if you want to ensure a seat on the boat you want to return on.

3. The Prison Tour Is An Audio-Guided Self-guided Tour

The first thing you do when you get to Alcatraz is take a thirty-minute introduction tour around the island. However, you can use an audio tour to navigate the prison once you’re inside the main building.

You can move at your own pace while on Alcatraz’s self-guided tour. Since there are numerous chapters, take your time reading through each one before going on to the next.

4. You May Remain On The Island For However Long You Like

On your given day, you are free to remain on the island as long as you like (until closing, that is!). Throughout the day, ferries travel back and forth between San Francisco and Alcatraz Island at regular intervals. If space is available, you are welcome to board any of these ferries (more info below). Alcatraz is typically explored by visitors for two to three hours.

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