Step-by-Step Guide on How to Visit the Colosseum

How to Visit the Colosseum

Last Updated on July 26, 2024 by Team Experts

Rome is much more than just a vacation or a chance to experience another culture. Travelling to Rome is very much a project, and you need to have a strategy when you’re visiting majestic old landmarks like the Colosseum. Over 5 million people visit this amazing structure, also known as the Flavian Amphitheater, each year, making it one of the most visited sights in the city. It pays to be prepared because seeing the Colosseum and other adjacent attractions like the Pantheon and the Vatican may be just as taxing as they are fascinating. Here is all the information you need about the Colosseum in Rome if you’re planning the Colosseum tour, including its history, fun trivia, ticket prices, and directions.

How to get to the Colosseum

You have a lot of options for getting around Rome. Although it is not as complete as it may be, the city does have a metro system. However, you may simply travel to the Colosseum station on the blue line via the metro. You can just inquire about the bus route that will take you there when you arrive. Local buses also travel to the Colosseum. Or, if you’d rather, you can reserve a spot on a double-decker bus trip that makes a stop at the Colosseum along the route.

Purchasing tickets

The Roman Forum and Palatine Hill are also accessible with a Colosseum ticket, something the majority of people are unaware of. The Colosseum is where most people purchase their tickets because it is the most well-known attraction, however, there is a chance that you will wait hours in line there. You can enter immediately if you purchase your ticket at the Palatine Hill gate, or you can book it in advance for even more convenience.

The Colosseum attractions

Given how big the Colosseum is and how many people there are there, seeing it might be intimidating, especially if you don’t have a guide to show you all the highlights. The Colosseum guided tours offered by Roma Experience will explain the context and history of this well-known structure while walking you through all the hidden and frequently overlooked features of the arena. The following attractions are must-sees if you are visiting on your own.

• The arena floor, where all the action took place. If you look up at the upper seating areas, you can see just how big the Colosseum actually is.

• The hypogeum, or arena’s subterranean level, was where slaves, captives, animals, and gladiators were housed during public performances and events.

• The Third Tier – Much like the subterranean passageways, the Third Tier area of the Colosseum is not open to the general public; instead, you must sign up for a trip like our Colosseum Underground to visit it. The Third Tier is unquestionably worthwhile because it allows you to appreciate the amphitheater’s extraordinary height and provides the best views.

Consider taking the Colosseum Underground Tour

A visit to the Hypogeum or its underground area is another option. If you enjoy history or anything Roman, it is highly recommended. You can get a sense of how gladiator bouts were planned, how animals were brought up and down, and all other behind-the-scenes activities during the Hypogeum tour. The intricate labyrinth is fascinating to view up close.

What to Anticipate while there

Before entering the Colosseum, you must pass through a quick security check after purchasing your ticket. You might wait in line longer than you do inside the museum, depending on the time of year you go (unless you take our advice and get your tickets at Palatine Hill!) You can join up for audio or guided tours or just go it alone to take in the splendour of the Colosseum. The Colosseum, which could accommodate 50,000 people, was Rome’s largest amphitheatre when it was completed in 80 AD. It was primarily used for entertainment by staging gruesome and barbaric games, whether they involved animal combat or gladiator fights between humans.

Hours of operation and additional details

If you’re travelling in the summer, it’s advised to go as early as possible to escape the huge crowds and the sweltering heat. The Colosseum opens at 8:30 am. If you have a strong interest in history, you may want to allocate more time so that you may really appreciate the experience and study all of the literature about the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill’s past. Although guided tours can offer a wealth of useful information if you choose to take this path, be ready to spend the majority of the day on your feet. Still, it might be worthwhile to take this kind of tour if you don’t know much about Rome or the Colosseum.

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