How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Custom Application?

Develop a Custom Application

Last Updated on March 10, 2024 by Team Experts

Can you imagine your life without a smartphone? With modern custom mobile app development are available numerous services. Develop a Custom Application, this category includes mobile programs for online stores that cover multiple processes. They, as a rule, provide for authorization by e-mail, sms or via social networks. The ability to create a profile, edit content, add items to the cart, calculate the price, make payments.

From the side of the administrative panel, the functions for managing users and payments,. And it’s sending notifications are implemented.

The customer can choose 2 development options:

Native – in this case, the application is developed for each platform separately. Native development of an application for iOS is carried out in Swift; Kotlin or Java is used to create an Android application. If you choose native technologies, the cost of the finished product on iOS and Android will approximately double. This is due to the use of different programming languages, SDKs and development tools.

React Native and Flutter cross-platform technology allows you to save money and get a working product for both platforms. At the same time, the cost of a cross-platform product for iOS and Android will be approximately equal to the cost of developing. It’s a native application for one platform.

Are there any downsides to cross-platform development?

React Native and Flutter technologies allow you to fit into tight budgets. However, this option has disadvantages that the customer needs to take into account. For example, cross-platform mobile apps have lower performance and may experience delays in updating operating systems and integrating new features. Also, such products do not allow 100% use of the native functions of a mobile device.

The final price is also influenced by the number of functions involved.

The number of functions implemented is the main factor on which the price depends. When drawing up an estimate, the following are taken into account:

  • Authorization. By e-mail, SMS, social networks;
  • Content. News feed, user profile, profile editing, search and filtering, catalogs and categories, video / audio download, calendar, maps / geolocation;
  • Social interaction. Chats, forum + comments, push notifications, sms, e-mail newsletter, share on social networks, audio-video calls;
  • Payments/ Pricing, shopping cart, in-app purchases, card payments, PayPal, Google Wallet, payments;
  • Additional functions. These are VR / AR, fingerprint scanner, gyroscope and QR code. Also it’s synchronization with cloud services and use of a video / photo camera).

Some of the listed functions are labor intensive, others are relatively simple. To implement certain functionality, developers use ready-made solutions. For other options, you need to write code from scratch.

Typically, at the design stage, labor costs in hours are laid for the implementation of each function. In this case, development hours are calculated for the client and server parts separately.

Design and customization

For basic applications, the client’s design or template solutions can be used. For example, components from the OS, standard elements for forming screens. Expensive projects include custom design, logo development, branding. In both cases, the more screens the app has, the higher the final price.

In the final phase, the application will receive ongoing support and updates. It’s done to meet end-user requirements for it architecture consulting.

Team structure

On the part of the development company, the team usually consists of many parts. These are product owner, Scrum master, 1-2 developers of the application for iOs and / or Android. Also it’s 1 backend developer, tester (QA), UI / UX designer. Depending on the complexity of the finished product, the team may include others. It’s a business analyst and a Project Manager. The number of specialists involved will also affect the final cost of developing an application.

Also read about: How To Start An App Development Company in 9 Easy Steps

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Anil is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable person who is a Technology evangelist. He's always been fascinated at work especially at innovation that causes benefit to the students, working professionals or the companies. Being unique and thinking Innovative is what he loves the most, supporting his thoughts he will be ahead for any change valuing social responsibility with a reprising innovation. His interest in various fields and the urge to explore, led him to find places to put himself to work and design things than just learning. Follow him on LinkedIn

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