Tips to Become a Well-paid Freelance writer

Freelance writer are those writers who charge money for the work they do. They are not like any other regular employee of an organization or a company. Rather they work for their own business. Their work is solely based on the client’s requirements and what they want. They can work either from home or in their rented place. However, freelance writers constantly have to improve their skills and expertise to get new clients and projects.

The career journey of Freelance writers is often diversified. A professional writer may work as a freelance content writer. Likewise, it is also possible that a person starts his professional career from freelance writing. In any case, you have to have certain skills to become a writer, a well-paid and well-known writer.

Whether you are a professional writer or a fresher who is starting a freelance writing career, there is always room to become a well-paid writer. If you are not aware of ways to cash yourself as a writer and market yourself, you may come across the problem. People will never know what services you can offer and how you can help other people.

Here are a couple of things that you can do to become a 101 well-paid freelance writer.

Freelance writers Tip No.1 Before anything, provide Help:

One of the things freelance writers must do is that is to offer unsolicited help to others. This creates new opportunities for you. You may wonder what’s the point of helping someone as it is not beneficial, not in terms of money. You may also contemplate your decision if you have agreed to help someone and you are short of time. 

If you are starting your career as a freelance writer, seek to offer to help others. There are several benefits of helping others.

You can build new relations when you help someone. Remember, when you assist someone in their difficult times, they will remember the favor for the rest of their lives. Helping someone is not only good for mental and spiritual health but also in the worldly sense. Lower down your voice, be humble, and seek to facilitate someone with their content. Now here, it does not mean that you start doing charity. Rather, it means that whenever you find someone stuck with their content, ask them politely if they need your help. Where can you find people to offer your help? Start with your family and friends.

Let them know you are offering a content writing service. Initially, you don’t have to charge them as you are helping them with their content. Once the trust is built, then you can pitch in your paid services. The second benefit is that you will be starting “word of mouth marketing” without any high paid budget.

According to Jonah Berger, the author of “Contagious,” around 90% of sales are derived from word of mouth. If you come to think of it, most of the time, we are promoting someone’s business consciously or unconsciously. Don’t believe it? Start noticing your speech pattern. To give you an example from a daily life conversation. Ghostwriting Services platform helped me compose the story I have been planning to complete for years now”. There, can you see what I did? The speaker of this sentence promoted a company during a conversation.

Freelance writers Tip No.2 Generate a new lead through engagement. 

Freelance writers know that they are their own boss. They need to get new leads and clients if they want to be successful. So one of the things they do is that they engage with their clients through various mediums. Now it depends on you where your target audience is hanging out. It could be Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram, or any other website. Your goal should be to connect and start a meaningful conversation. Here, by all means, do not enter their private territory without permission. What is private territory on social media? It’s their inbox and post. If we are not allowed to send them a direct message, how would we engage and interact with them?

Freelance writers must have some magic trick under their sleeves, and that is meaningful interaction with your prospective client over social media. To interact with your prospective client, look for their posts and thoughts they share on their social media or their page. Understand what they are saying and share your opinion in a way that does not sound rude, quirky, or sarcastic. Instead, add value to their post. To give you an example, LinkedIn is a professional platform that maintains the platform’s decorum and protocol and creates value for the audience. Likewise, it would be best if you were open, generous, genuine, and transparent when engaging with a professional. Because people know when we are faking our emotions and sentiments and when we are sincere. Words have the power to reveal our feelings. People can see through our words. So in plain words, you can generate more leads through meaningful engagement.

Freelance writers Tip No. 3 Write Blogposts and do guess posting.

People read and remember the name of the freelance writers, especially when they like the content. Likewise, reading and engaging with your content make them remember you for a longer period of time. Henceforth, apart from the client’s work, take out some time and market for yourself. How do you market for yourself? Well, you write a blog and guest post. Seek out any new opportunity in your way to engage and retain your audience. Keep track of the analytics, and engage with every new visitor on your page. When you find recurrent visitors on your website or LinkedIn, interact with them. This is the right opportunity to impress your audience. Recurring visitors on your platform means that they are interested in your offerings. What can you do to make them remember you? Start a meaningful conversation. Avoid asking them personal questions, and definitely avoid using cringe-worthy phrases and sentences. It would be best to have a definite plan and genuine conversation to keep your visitor on their feet. Tell them your unique value proposition without being sales-sy.

Also read: 7 Free Book Marketing Tools for Authors

Erin Lane

Erin Lane is a creative writer and lifestyle blogger from Canberra, Australia. She is a hard-working, organized, dedicated professional interested in learning new things. With over six years of experience in writing, Erin has covered numerous topics, including health, tech, fashion, fitness, makeup, home improvement, decoration, business, and finances. Erin is an active person who enjoys nature and traveling.

Follow her on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram

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