An executive protection program is a security component in many places: business, government, entertainment, sports, wealth, and other areas. Our main perspective in this book is business. It is for this reason that we use the term CEO when referring to the protected person. We will also use the term program when referring to the Executive Protection Program. Not all managers are protected. This is because in some organizations:
▪The board does not consider this to be necessary.
▪The CEO refuses to accept this.
▪The threat is believed to be non-existent or perceived at such a low level that a program is not deserved.
▪The cost of a program is not affordable.
There are questions that have to be asked and answered in the company.
▪Who is entitled to protection?
▪What should the scope of protection be?
▪Who will deliver it?
▪Under what circumstances would changes have to be made with regard to the protection, the degree of protection and the composition of the protective part?
Regarding the first question, top executives of a company like the board of directors usually set protection by rank or status. Some companies only offer protection to individuals at or above CEO level, such as: B. the CEO. At a lower level, protection could be given to subordinates who conduct operations in areas where kidnapping and murder are not uncommon, such as South America and the Middle East. If the ransom has been paid or a past murder has been committed, a company can demand the protection of its potentially affected employees.

The degree of protection varies in relation to the person’s worth to the organization and the person’s exposure to personal hazards. While the superintendent of an Andean oil production facility is third or fourth at the top of the org chart, it is highly protected as the facility should be closed and / or a hefty ransom paid without him. The company’s CEO, who lives in a high-rise office building in Houston and has a much higher rank than the field overseer, cannot be protected at all (unless he moves from the Andes to the production site).
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Individuals providing protection overseas are typically locals with a military, law enforcement, or security background who have been verified. However, the head of the protective framework should be an employee of the company on site, e.g. B. a member of the security department at the company’s headquarters. The same applies if a senior executive travels abroad openly so that he is known to the public at a conference. In this case, however, protection tends to be done with a higher number of PPE. The protocol and necessity require the participation of local or state law enforcement agencies in the host enterprise, not as close protectors, but as uniformed and non-uniformed personnel assigned to the outer protective layers, and as identifiers within the target audience or in locations where there is a clear line of sight , often with telescopes and video recorders. The recorder would be useful for a post-incident investigation or as a procedure to identify activists or problems early on.
In some cases local security firms are used as additional elements. The choice of security company is made by the local police department, but the team leader of the protected executive party should ensure that the security company is reliable, has a history of successful law enforcement and does not belong to the brother. Father-in-law of the police chief.
If a person of higher rank, such as the President of the United States, attends the event overseas, the protection program will be carried out by the elderly person’s organization. In such a case, the company’s protection force is subordinate to the protective conductor for older people.
Education and training
Depending on the size of the executive protection program, many people can be brought into the training and development phase. Executives, their families, and security personnel (i.e. management, bodyguards, and uniformed officers) are top priorities. However, drivers, servants, gardeners and office workers should also be aware of terrorism and other criminal techniques, as well as measures such as awareness raising, prevention strategies, personal safety, detection and reporting of suspicious events.