15 Helpful Development Resources for WordPress Developers

Development Resources

Last Updated on January 5, 2024 by Team Experts

Hire WordPress Developer

It doesn’t matter who you are or what work you do, there is always room for improvement and this is true when you are an IT professional and especially in WordPress technology. The web development technology is very dynamic, with the constant transformation the new stack, procedure, steps, language, environment, etc are being introduced. WordPress is an open-source platform and has a very vast network & community that provides ample development resources & tools which can be used to learn and implement in WordPress development.

The advancement of the skills from the WordPress resource helps the clients to hire WordPress developers effectively for their innovative businesses & digital products.

In this informative resource, we have brewed the best tools & development resources through which WordPress developers can optimize their skills & development style to complete the project which has been envisioned by their clients.

1. Official WordPress Developer Resources

It can also be said that it is the handbook of the WordPress developer. It is a good resource that WordPress developers can utilize to brush up their skills. It is packed with the vast bundles of WordPress documentation associated with the core codebase.

It gives all the essential data about the available WordPress plugins, themes & WordPress Rest APIs other elements. So If you want to initiate the learning this tool is very helpful.

2. WordPress Stack Exchange

WordPress is the segment of the stack exchange question and answer site network. It was created by a network of WordPress users.

The activities which are performed here are asking, answering & voting. You can explore all possible questions on the specific topics or you can ask the questions to get the answers.

3. WordPress Plugin Boilerplate

When you hire WordPress developers you need to make sure that they are fully aware and familiar with the WP plugin boilerplate. It is organized as per the standard procedure to develop high-quality WordPress Plugins.

It can be directly installed in the plugin folder and safely activated to add codes into it. It uses the strict file organization scheme that responds effectively with the WordPress plugin repository.

4. Generate WP

Generate WP is one of the WordPress tools that help the developers to generate & fastest way to create custom & high-quality codes. When you hire WordPress developers for your projects and when the developer implements this tool then the code can be generated at a much faster pace and reduce precious time.

Code generation builds the habit to build clean codes that make the functions very smooth. The messy & clutter codes reduce the efficiency of the developers and also may create problems in the future.

5. WP Rollback

Suppose you already get your website done and it lives. Due to some other work you hire WordPress developers and with the updates in the plugins, you lose some functionalities of the website. So in these cases, WP Rollback restores the previous version of the plugin and makes the last plugin active again.

The WP Rollback takes you to the page where you can view the version of the plugins you installed and also you can roll back from there. This plugin also shows the warning message to create the backup of the current setting before the activation.

In case the rollback button does not appear on the screen then the developer must ensure that the theme is from the WordPress.org theme directory.

6. Github Updater

Initially, we’ll discuss Github. Git is an open-source version control module that was launched in the year 2005. In this, the entire codebase and its history are available on developer computer that makes easy branching & merging of it. Github offers the cloud-based Git repository hosting service. It allows the developers to manage their codes and maintain the projects. Whenever they need the same scripts they can extract from there and utilize them.

Github updater is a WordPress plugin that allows the developers to update the themes & plugins codes in the Github repositories. When you hire WordPress developers and when they use Github it saves lots of time in coding and also the same code can be used as future reference.

7. FakerPress

When the business hires WordPress developers for the custom development they need to make sure that the custom feature or plugins work perfectly in the same manner for which it has coded.

So in order to test, the developer needs to create the custom data the FakerPress is used. It creates random data such as users, posts, comments & other terms.

The developer can share the various inputs, and upon the completion of the testing, the whole custom data can be cleared.

8. Hookr.io

In this section, the developers get the bundles of all hooks, classes, APIs, constant, etc. Also, it enables the developers to dig deeply into the code being executed in the areas visually on the active site.

In simple words, it can be stated that when you hire WordPress developers they require certain data to move ahead. This tool provides the all required data to the developers & designers.

9. WPSeek

This is another tool that is used by WordPress developers. It comes with the AJAX-powered search result where you can get the result of the searched query. The unique point about the WPSeek is that it is always updated & maintained. It provides the all pieces of stuff on a very tidy and neatly designed page, hence it is a WordPress user-centric search engine.

10. WP CLI

What if you can manage the website more efficiently with a few easy commands. In order to ease this WordPress Commands Line Interface (WP CLI) is used.  Almost every possible backend task can be done more quickly with the usage of WP-CII.

11. WordPress Plugin Template

In WordPress, the template files are the PHP files which is a mixture of HTML, PHP codes and template codes. These templates are managed in such a manner that it follows the hierarchy of WordPress. It also contains the following aspects as

JavaScripts Files

Library details to register new posts

The complete & versatile setting class


The REST API was introduced in WordPress 4.7, and now it has become an essential part of website development. It also has an official page that delivers all types of details associated with it.

The WordPress REST API is used to access information outside of WordPress. It implements JavaScript and makes the website more interactive.

13. WordPress Gutenberg Handbook

Apart from the above-discussed WordPress development handbook, WP also publishes this. This covers the all basics of the new WordPress editor and more advanced guides to create your own blocks & other features. With the help of this, the WordPress developers can learn to create the custom block, change the appearance, change the styles, customization the toolbar and more other options.

14. SitePoints

SitePoints is a free & premium resource that helps those WordPress developers who wanted to upgrade their own skillsets. The blog content is accessible 100% free of cost for the developers and designers. When the developers wanted to dig deeper into the programming the resources are quite helpful for them.

15. WordPress TV

WordPress TV is the new streaming service started by the WP communities. It has vast content that is easily accessible in the form of video. You will find the how videos, videos from the well-renowned WordPress members, interviews of the WordPress professionals.

Final Thoughts

We hope that the mentioned comprehensive list of WordPress tools will help you to brush up on your skills in the perfect manner. Even if you are new in the field of WordPress it will help you to learn all basics and concepts of WordPress development.

Read more: Do You Make These Simple Mistakes In Website Development?

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Anil is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable person who is a Technology evangelist. He's always been fascinated at work especially at innovation that causes benefit to the students, working professionals or the companies. Being unique and thinking Innovative is what he loves the most, supporting his thoughts he will be ahead for any change valuing social responsibility with a reprising innovation. His interest in various fields and the urge to explore, led him to find places to put himself to work and design things than just learning. Follow him on LinkedIn

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