TikTok, Instagram Or YouTube, Which Is Best For Your Business?

choose social media platform

Last Updated on July 25, 2024 by Team Experts

In recent years, marketers have been spending a lot as the popularity of influencer-led marketing grows and spreads across platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.

Since each platform is unique in terms of its algorithm and the types of audiences it attracts, a brand’s decision as to which one to prioritise in terms of content creation will depend on the particular platform that ends up being the most fruitful for reaching its goals.

You can use this informative guide to determine whether YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok agency London is the ideal social media channel for your respective businesses.

What is Instagram?

Instagram is a wonderful medium for companies seeking to forge more individual connections with their clientele. As a platform with over a billion monthly users, Instagram has a massive audience to market to.

In addition, features like Stories and Live Video allow companies to produce content that will appeal to their target audience. Instagram, despite its many benefits, does have some downsides. Because of the platform’s emphasis on visuals, companies whose offerings aren’t aesthetically pleasing may struggle to attract users.

What is YouTube?

More than two billion people every month use YouTube, making it the most popular video-sharing website in the world. If your company wants to make interesting videos, YouTube is the place to do it. However, YouTube may seem overwhelming to companies at first.

Furthermore, YouTube expects commercial channels to adhere to standards of quality production. You should expect your videos to get buried in the search results if they are of poor quality.

What is TikTok?

The video-sharing platform TikTok has recently exploded in popularity. If your company is interested in making entertaining short movies, TikTok is a fantastic tool to use.

TikTok, despite its popularity, is not without its flaws. Because of the platform’s emphasis on visuals, companies whose offerings aren’t aesthetically pleasing may struggle to attract users.

Also, TikTok is still in its infancy as a platform; thus, it does not yet offer all the functionality of more established competitors like YouTube and Instagram.

Pros & Cons Of Instagram

Instagram is, without a shadow of a question, one of the most popular social networking sites available today. Over a billion people use it every day, and that number is only increasing.

That’s why it’s such a great place for businesses to connect with potential new clients: There are benefits to using Instagram for your business, but there are also some drawbacks.


  • Take advantage of Instagram’s massive user base of over a billion people. Those are a lot of people who could become clients.
  • Instagram’s visual appeal makes it a good fit for companies whose products or services also have a strong visual component.
  • Instagrammers have a high rate of engagement. They engage with the site’s content frequently and actively. With that in mind, it’s a fantastic venue for establishing connections with prospective clients.


  • Instagram account management can be a time-sink. Maintain a constant posting schedule and engage with your audience.
  • When using a platform as widely used as Instagram, competition for exposure is high. You need to make your material noticeable among the sea of others out there.
  • The Instagram algorithm is a source of frustration for commercial accounts. It tends to prioritise personal posts over professional ones, so your content might not reach as wide an audience as you’d like.

Pros & Cons Of YouTube

One of the first and most widely popular social networking sites is YouTube, which has been around since 2005. YouTube is used by an incredible 95% of all internet users worldwide, making it the second-largest search engine. That’s a massive pool of possible clients for companies to tap into. Because YouTube is owned by Google, it’s likely that many of your potential clients are already watching videos there.

It’s true that YouTube has many benefits for businesses, but it’s not all roses and butterflies. There are a few little things to keep in mind when creating a YouTube account for your company.


  • The people that watch videos on YouTube span pretty much every demographic out there.
  • The platform is more conducive to longer-form videos, which are ideal for showcasing your products in action.
  • Individuals are responsible for producing the vast majority of the material. This type of word-of-mouth advertising serves as strong social proof that your product is worthwhile.


  • Individuals are primarily responsible for producing content. This means that businesses will have less say over the messages associated with their brand. However, if your company already has a strong presence on the target audience’s preferred social media platform, this is often more of an advantage than a disadvantage.
  • Without the proper influencer marketing tools to streamline your connections, working with influencers can be both time-consuming and costly.

Pros & Cons Of TikTok

Even though the video-sharing platform TikTok has only been active since 2016, it has built a huge fan base in that little amount of time. Some of this expansion can be attributed to Instagram users’ desire to escape the platform’s fabricated atmosphere and re-engage with a group of “genuine” individuals.

Popular among members of Generation Z, TikTok presents a one-of-a-kind chance for advertisers. TikTok has an advantage against established businesses due to its relative novelty.

Firms whose target audience is between the growing ages of 18 and 24 will find a lot of success on TikTok, but that doesn’t mean brands whose target audience is older should ignore the platform entirely. It may be prudent to start building brand recognition among Gen Z now, as this group is likely to become increasingly important to your business in the future.


  • TikTok has fewer brands than other social media platforms, therefore, there is less rivalry for viewers’ attention.
  • Compared to Instagram and YouTube, engagement on this platform is extremely high.
  • Brands don’t have to put in as much effort on TikTok to achieve the perfection demanded by Instagram because of the platform’s laid-back, authentic, and inclusive vibe.
  • Due to the wide range of categories and types of content available on TikTok, the platform is currently uncompetitive for marketers.


  • There is no “Call To Action” button available.
  • Being a relatively new social media network, its retention power is uncertain.

In summary

It can be difficult to choose which social media platform is ideal for your company, given the ever-shifting nature of the industry.

Depending on the tone, aesthetic, and target audience of your brand, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok may all be effective marketing channels. Focusing on selling your brand rather than your goods will bring you the most success regardless of which social media site you use as your primary channel.

Read more: Strategies to Make Your E-commerce Business More Profitable

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