Category Technology

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Twitter Memes – Few Twitter Memes

twitter memes

Few of the twitter memes are on trending used by micro blogging teams. Twitter is a social networking platform that allows its users to send and read micro-blogs of up to 280-characters known as “tweets”. It enables registered users to…

Contributions of Technology to Health

Understand the contributions of technology to health and how technologies such as telemedicine, IoT, AI, BPMS and others help save lives. Industry 4.0 transformed the routine of several sectors and healthcare companies were also impacted. The Covid-19 pandemic, which affected…

How Do You Make Your Own Instacart Clone App?

Developing an Instacart Clone App requires an innate understanding of how the online grocery industry works. Being an entrepreneur, your first step must be carefully studying the market, competitors, and the development of the app platform. In this blog, learn…

Top 10 Web Development Trends

 Due to the pandemic, thousands of businesses went online to avoid closure and remain competitive in the market. This transition strengthened competition between companies and technological solutions that include programming languages ​​and frameworks. So running a web project has become…

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