Category Software

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Top 15 Software Development Companies with Remote Jobs

Software Development Companies: In today’s world, especially in this pandemic, the demand for technology in the workplace is huge, bringing great opportunities for professionals looking for remote jobs. As per ‘Bureau of Labor’ statistical reports, IT jobs can grow up…

Top 10 Video Editing Software for Beginners

The advancement and spread of technology have allowed videographers to produce proficient videos by using correct tools. Currently, several editing apps are available in the market and many of them are produced by famous media companies. In this article, we…

How to Fix Avast High CPU Usage

Avast High CPU Usage: Why does the Avast service use such a high CPU? Since Avast Antivirus performs tasks like background scanning, virus removal, real-time scanning, and cleaning, it consumes most of your CPU resources. Undoubtedly, to keep your system…

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