Category Software

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What Is Conversation Intelligence?

You might be wondering, what is Conversation intelligence? This article explains what Conversation intelligence is, how it works, and the benefits it can provide to your sales team and customers. As a sales leader, you know that it can be a…

9 Fresh Ways to Begin Your Next Script

A piece of blank paper A laptop screen with no content. Can you imagine a more terrifying or terrifying vision for a screenwriter? Writing any element of a script is difficult, but many authors are unsure where to begin. Getting…

Understanding PtaaS

Pentesting of the past usually happens at the end of the testing cycle. This late testing often caused the results to be outdated and often did not allow for proper handling. While these types of results are always useful, they could…

5 Best Sites to Hire Python Developers

The programming language you choose for your software development is critical to the success of your project. When working on a budget, there are a number of things to consider, including user-friendliness, development costs, application security, and so on. This…

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