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Tips to Make Your Game More Saleable in the Market

Game Saleable

Game Saleable: The mobile gaming industry is booming and is generating off the chart revenue. According to Statista, global mobile games revenue will reach 102.8 billion U.S. dollars, up from 77.2 billion U.S. dollars.  This has attracted many people/businesses/companies to…

Zomm Wireless Leash: Bluetooth Speakerphone

Daniel Bell is determined not to lose his iPhone and tests the Zomm wireless leash. This triggers an alarm when removed from a Bluetooth-connected phone. Zomm Wireless Leash alerts you when you leave your phone and works as a speaker…

Tips to Enhance Gaming Experience on Windows PC

Nothing beats the hours spent in playing a favourite PC game, especially when it is an online multiplayer game. However, keeping tabs on graphics and network becomes essential when it comes to keeping the gameplay constant by your side. Sometimes,…

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