API Development – Ultimate Guide to Developing Robust APIs

API Development

Last Updated on July 19, 2024 by Team Experts

If you’ve submerged yourself in the mobile application development world, then you must be aware of an ‘Application Program Interface’, or API. In this present reality where things like online business and long-range informal communication are the standard in helping individuals remain connected and engaged, it’s basic for mobile applications to remain both versatile and relevant using APIs.

You can check any application on your mobile at present and almost certainly, it utilizes Facebook’s API, for instance, which is the most celebrated and broadly utilized API by mobile application developers. If you’re shopping online using a mobile application then the application gives a PayPal API to make online payment simpler and secure.

API for mobile applications permits clients to easily interact with different applications and virtual products which can enhance the mobile application experience. Integration is the key to API and there is no need for redeveloping anything else while developing an app.

So, you need to design an API but you are completely clueless. This article will guide you either to build an API from scratch or refactor your existing API into a better version

APIs, Build, or Buy?

If you need to begin incorporating APIs into your mobile application, there are two courses you can take when creating: you can assemble it yourself or you can get it by coordinating with a previously existing API.

Assembling an API is ordinarily the quickest and least demanding course. It sets aside cash and time since it requires less improvement as opposed to building an API without any preparation. Building your API likewise requires significantly more designer experience, since it has a ton of unpredictability behind it, though utilizing a previously existing application is a lot less difficult.

So, building your API accompanies substantially more opportunity and permits you to custom-form an API as indicated by your necessities while additionally guaranteeing it’s secure.

API or app Development Company can assist you with finding and purchasing existing APIs, which helps in understanding which choices are accessible. Before putting time and assets in building up your own exclusively constructed API, explore what’s accessible first so you aren’t sitting around and wasting time. There are essentially huge amounts of APIs-both free and paid-that can flawlessly incorporate into your mobile application.

Take Uber app for example. It integrates with numerous APIs that all work together to enhance the application’s essential features, for example, the utilization of GPS information, informing, database drivers, and many more abilities. Moreover, while Uber utilizes third-party APIs for their portable application, they likewise offer their API that developers for different applications can utilize.

Essential Features in API Design

Here’s a list of some important points which a developer should consider while creating an API with the accelerated development process

1. Authentication & Authorization

Authentication implies confirming the correct identity. Choosing whether a confirmed client is or isn’t permitted to make an activity on a particular source is an authorization. For instance, Sam (a confirmed client) can get a resource but, might not be permitted to make a new resource.

2. Query, Filter, Sorting & Pagination

With time your database will develop. When that occurs, you will start to see that a few assets are setting aside longer than the usual time and efforts to recover. Some of the basic approaches to move toward this situation are to store your articles as well as make pagination/separating.

By sorting, we guarantee that information is received by the client individually according to the prerequisite, adjustment, and the condition applied. Paging is the way toward deciding how much information must be shown and at what recurrence. These things guarantee the least preparation time, great reaction time, and significant level security.

3. Cache

Building up a Cache procedure helps the client in recovering assets at an enhanced rate. When your information is fit to be expended in an in-memory database the expense of your requests will get diminished.

4. Wrappers

Wrappers are language-explicit bundles or holders that join sets of API calls into easy to use functions. The wrapper calls numerous API calls without the interaction of the client.


HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State) is a module of the REST application which is different from most other system application structures. Any substance that contains a connection to different types of media like pictures, text, and recordings is known as hypermedia.

6. Error Handling

Great error handing can make the debugging tasks simpler by distinguishing whether the issue is a consequence of a customer or server blunder. For certain mistakes, the customer can change the request, while for other people, they have to contact support.

7. Validation

Verifying the accuracy of information is known as validation in APIs. There are two kinds of validation, customer side, and server-side validation. Customer side validation is commonly done by giving brief feedback, for instance featuring an inappropriate entry in red, etc.

Server-side validation is an urgent segment of API development. It incorporates some unremarkable undertakings like validating whether a property is required or what sort of property it is (email, account number, and so forth) or if a property isn’t required.

8. Testing

API testing resembles programming testing. It incorporates testing APIs straightforwardly and as a piece of integrating testing to decide whether they meet desires for usefulness, quality, execution, and security. Postman, SoapUI, and JMeter are a portion of the well-known tools utilized for API testing.

Best Practices for Designing Great APIs

Some of the best practices for designing great APIs are listed below

1. Documentation

API interface documentation is a specialized archive that contains itemized data about the approaches to successfully use and integrate with it. Usually, it covers insights concerning the capacities, classes, returns types, contentions, and so on.

2. Stability

You should target making instinctively steady API. Reuse similar naming conventions throughout. Developers ought to have the option to figure portions of your API even without perusing the documentation. The maintenance of old forms of APIs is likewise significant.

3. Flexibility

Anticipating all potential manners by which clients will need to utilize your API is beyond the realm of imagination. Each customer platform is not steady. Thinking about these future obscure situations, it’s great to have some level of resistance with your information and yield imperatives.

4. Security

As an API developer, you have to keep it secure yet not hard to utilize. If a client must write code or go through over five minutes for confirmation, it isn’t close by anyone’s standards to being easy to understand. Token-based verification is one of the favored methods of confirmation.

5. East to Use

At last, keep it least complicated and ensure individuals can utilize your API and it works from the first till the last time.


APIs are like a boon for developers as well as enterprises. When writing a new program, a developer does not have to begin from scratch to build a core application. Instead, they can utilize (contract) certain functionalities by using an existing piece to do a better job.

The world of API is huge and gone are the days of isolated applications. One should start exploring APIs that can strengthen the mobile app’s functionalities.

Read more: API Testing Types – A Comprehensive Guide

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Anil is an enthusiastic, self-motivated, reliable person who is a Technology evangelist. He's always been fascinated at work especially at innovation that causes benefit to the students, working professionals or the companies. Being unique and thinking Innovative is what he loves the most, supporting his thoughts he will be ahead for any change valuing social responsibility with a reprising innovation. His interest in various fields and the urge to explore, led him to find places to put himself to work and design things than just learning. Follow him on LinkedIn

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