7 Tools To Open And View Almost Any File

It may sometimes happen that when we receive a file for which we do not have the proper software to open or read the data. If you think the answer to this is downloading different software applications for each file, then let us help you rethink.

Downloading software to open each new kind of file might fill up unnecessary space on your device because they would be barely used. That is the exact reason why universal file openers might become your next best choice.

Universal File Opener

Universal file openers (UFOs) are a rare strain of software that open (or display) a wide variety of different file types by themselves. They are programs that support a universal range of file types and most of their different file formats.

Note that universal file openers are typically restricted to opening files only, so only some of them include editing options that also to a minimal extent, although you can remove duplicate files as well with this read from TechyHost.

So a universal file opener is not a Word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, database, video editor, and image processor application rolled into one!

Even though universal file openers generally lack editing options, it’s still worth adding one to Windows. If you can’t open a file with its default software, a UFO will probably open it.

Furthermore, with a universal file opener installed, you won’t need so many programs to open alternative file types.

Here we are going to list down seven universal file openers that will help you to open and read almost any files.

1.Universal viewer:

The universal viewer is a handy application that will come in use to open and read the essential files that we receive daily.

The installer link starts the installation of a software InstalliQ to avoid this problem, and we can try fetching a portable version of this application.

2. Free Opener:

The file open is friendly to users and user interface. You can open primary standard documents, video, audio clips, images, and data, including Microsoft files, MOV, MPG, MKV, FLV, code files, and other necessary files.

The software also comes handy in the opening subtitle and zipped files. The only drawback that counts at the moment is that it doesn’t support ISO files.

The number of files it opens is also less in comparison to other file openers, but it is super easy to use for opening the type of data that we receive daily.

3. File Viewer Lite:

It supports a broad spectrum of 120 types of file formats.

The lite version doesn’t support editing and saving the files, hence acts as a reader. Another let down is that it doesn’t help ISO and PPT files.

It is advisable to decline the third party installation permissions carefully to avoid downloading any unnecessary software.

4. Open Freely :

You might consider this as your ultimate genie to open the files for. It opens any data that is uploaded in it and also comes to use as a document editor, file editor, and a file extractor. It is not only a free app but also requires no third party installation.

It supports all formats, including PPT, DOC, PSD, MKV, BMP, and several others.

5. Online Tools:

  1. Dropbox: 

When you use Dropbox as a file viewer, you can view files, comment on them and view, comment on, and share a wide range of file types, too – including .csv and .xlsx, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoints, PDFs, Photoshop and Sketch files.

By using Dropbox as your file viewer, you can preview a wide variety of video files, audio files, and text files from any device since functions online.

  1. If Your File extension Is Unknown


If your file extension seems unknown, searching online is always the best method to learn about a new file type, and the best place to do it is the Filext database. It is a comprehensive database that covers over 50,000 known file extensions.

  1. If Your File Doesn’t Seem To Have Any Extension:

TrID.Net :

Sometimes we come across files that don’t have any extension. TrIDNet File Identifier serves as the solution. It can help you to find out about the necessary info about a folder and its format type. The software doesn’t require any installation, but users have to download the program and file type’s definition separately from the official website.

Hex Browser: 

It is a tool that identifies file types. It does not care about the file extension, but adjusts each file to look for signatures so it can determine the exact nature of a file.Today, it recognizes more than 800 different file formats. Hex Browser shows detailed information about each file.


So, now we do not have to worry about opening strangely formatted files or downloading fifteen different softwares to open the type of data that we receive once in a blue moon. The UFO’s suggested above would help you open your files effortlessly without wasting space on your device.

Also read about: How to Get Windows Classic Theme on Windows 10


She has over 7 years of experience writing about technology, education, digital marketing, general and business. Her experience in the tech industry (fieldengineer, wowtechub, techsprohub, techinfobeez) has taught her how to write engaging, informative content that makes complex issues accessible to a wide audience. Follow her on Linkedin

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