5 Best open source software

best open source software
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Best open source software seems to be an anomaly in today’s corporate technology world. The idea that a community of developers literally likes to work on software for years – usually without money – seems ridiculous and speaks for the passion that people have for developing technology for the benefit of all. Open source developers, welcome!

To honor these tireless employees who calmly improve our daily computing experience, we decided to create a multiple list of platforms with what we believe is the best open source software you can get.

Keep in mind that there are tons of open source software and we may not be able to cover them all. That being said, we believe they are best for the end user. However, opinions may differ.


Category: Productivity Office

LibreOffice is requested by OpenOffice and offers the same software types as its predecessor with some additional functions and extensions. There is a useful graphic on his website that she compares to Microsoft Office.

The best open source alternative to: Microsoft Office ($ 71.88 per user per year and more)

Supported operating systems: Windows, OS X and Linux


Krita is an open-platform, open source raster graphics editor for digital painting and animation creation. It is one of most popular digital painting tools, with features such as local support for CMYK, a clear user interface, efficient resource management, a pop-up color palette, etc.

Notepad ++

Replaces Microsoft Windows Notepad

The minimalist style, which is easy to use with Notepad ++, is pleasant to use and has functions such as multiple display, multiple tabs for separate documents, automatic word completion, zoom and markup functions. In addition, their systems minimize carbon emissions by using less processor power!

Brave navigator

Brave Browser is a free, open source Chromium-based browser that offers more features than usual Chrome. It’s customizable, security-oriented, easy to use, and comes with a built-in ad blocker and password manager.


GIMP is a feature-rich cross-platform image editing software that is most commonly used as a Linux alternative to Adobe Photoshop.

In addition to the fact that GIMP can do almost anything Photoshop can do, its functions can be extended through plugins, thanks to integration in several programming languages, and its files can be used with other media editing programs, such as Inkscape , SwatchBooker and Scribus.

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